Wolfram Alpha adds comprehensive data, plane curves, and statistics for various Pokemon species in light of Pokemon X and Y’s popularity.
“It’s not all abstract algebra and organic chemistry here at Wolfram HQ. From time to time, we like to take a piece of pop culture and put our own spin on the subject. We’ve seen from our server logs that our Pokemon plane curves are pretty popular,” Michael Feltes posted on the Wolfram Alpha blog.
“In many ways, Pokemon are an ideal subject for a computable knowledge engine. They have a set of well-defined characteristics with lots of numbers to which we can apply our analytic capabilities. Heck, Pokemon come complete with their own unique identifiers from the game’s internal database, the Pokemon Index, or Pokedex,” he elaborated further.
Yesterday, it was reported that the game sold over 1.8 million units in Japan. There was also a boost of 3DS units sold that amounted to over 200,000.
Pokemon X and Ywere released worldwide on October 12, 2013 for the Nintendo 3DS platform.