The Coalition has released a new video of their detailed look at the map builder feature in the upcoming title — Gears 5.
The new video showcases the new mode Espace which will have you and your teammates invade a swarm and kill in from the inside out! However, in Gears 5, players will be able to create their own maps for the Escape mode, which can be long and stretched out or short and super tense; its all up to the map builder!
The new video does a great job showcasing the new mode and for fans of the online features, this will no doubt be one of the fan favorites! Check out the new Gears 5 map builder explanation video down below:
In related news, Gears 5 has recently gone Gold, which is good news for fans excited for the game! This means that the developers have finished the game up and discs can be manufactured. The announcement was made through Twitter by the Xbox Wire account in celebration to the game’s milestone from development studio The Coalition. Read more about Gears 5 going gold right here!
Gears 5 is set to launch on September 10, 2019, for the PC and Xbox One platforms.