Barbara Gordon, also known as Batgirl, has been revealed for Batman: Arkham Origins in the above screenshot which was released today by Warner Bros. Montreal.
Barbara is the daughter of Jim Gordan who eventually becomes Gotham City Police Commissioner and after being wounded becomes a hacker known as Oracle.
You can check out a gallery below which also includes new images of the Dark Knight in action courtesy of VG24/7. Among them is a shot of Batman inflitrating the GCPD as Gordan details a plan to capture the masked detective.
The area of Gotham you can explore in Origins is said to be twice the size of the area seen in Arkham City and the game will have a season pass. The story sees a younger Batman take on eight assassins over the course of Christmas Eve.
Batman: Arkham Origins is set for release on October 25th on PC, PS3, Wii U, and Xbox 360. A spin-off, Origins Blackgate, will be released for PS Vita and 3DS on the same day.