It’s been two weeks since the good people at SplitReason sent me a few pairs of their t-shirts for review here on GameRanx and I’ve had a full week to try them on, both inside the house and outside in 90 degree weather.
You might be wondering why a gaming website like us is bothering to review shirts, but the reason for that is simple: SplitReason makes the kinds of shirts any self-respecting gamer would want to wear. Simply put, they make videogame-themed printed tees with designs that look way better than any official shirt you’d get from a videogame publisher.
Some of us feel a kind of shame when we put on a t-shirt with some official gaming design on it. It’s the kind of thing that just screams “awkward!” and we can only imagine what goes through the minds of the judging public when they see us don a World of Warcraft themed shirt that may as well be fantasy armor with gigantic shoulderpads on it.
Needless to say, you won’t feel that way when you’re keeping yourself cool in a SplitReason shirt. Not only do the designs fall under the distinction of being “pretty cool,” but they’re also quite possibly very hip, provided you stay away from the CAD Comic ones (I’m really not a fan).
Personally, I’m very satisfied by the shirts. They’re comfortable, stylish clothes for almost anyone—both gamer and non-gamer. Nudists need not apply.
If you’d like a chance to win a SplitReason t-shirt, read on.
Contest Rules:
To enter, just follow @stillgray (that’s me!), @chernobylheart, and @splitreason_co
Important: This contest is available for US citizens only.
Contest winners will be announced in a week
The first two winners will be able to have the shirts of their choosing.