Ragnarok Online, a classic fantasy MMORPG which brought millions of players world wide has now gone free to play. Ragnarok has traditionally been a Monthly Subscription based game to access game accounts. However you can now join up and play for free with a option to buy a VIP package. You will have a option to play on three severs; Ymir server is a dedicated VIP server containing all Veteran Subscription based characters from 2003 to present, Yggdrasil a once Monthly Subscription based server and Valkyrie a new free to play server will both become completely open to account and character creation for players that want to give Ragnarok a test drive.
Players who choose to get the VIP package will receive:
- 1.5x Experience rate
- 1.5x Monster drop rate
- Increased Kafra Storage
- Less experience loss upon death
- Access to special areas and Buff NPCs
- Acess to create characters on all 9 character slots