Aisha Tyler and Nicholas Mainville – developer at Ubisoft – show off some new Watch Dogs gameplay on Jimmy Fallon's late night talk show.
The demo starts with Aiden Pierce, main character of Watch Dogs, riding a construction lift to the roof of a building. Through the camera security system, Aiden hacks into multiple cameras to spy on the local 40-something year old man in his apartment. Once Aisha and Nicholas familiarize Jimmy Fallon and the audience with hacking ideas, they move onto another demo.
The second section follows Aiden as he suspects a potential crime soon to take place. You then follow a victim into an ally where she is later assaulted by the suspicious bystander. He then runs away sprinting over hurdles of fences before jumping into a car starting a high speed a car chase. In an instant, Jimmy is handed the controller to peruse the suspect. After some near misses with cars and telephone poles, he poorly judges a turn and hit a steel beam.
The demo ends there but it shows off some more gameplay for the upcoming release of Watch Dogs. Watch Dogs will release November 19th on all consoles.