WB Games and Rocksteady announced the sequel to their critically acclaimed game, Batman: Arkham Asylam at the VGAs 2009. Although the sequel is yet to be officially titled, the announcement was coupled with a debut trailer which premiered at the awards night showing criminals wreaking havoc on the streets of Gotham and with master clown “Joker” taking control of the city, things are going to get ugly or in our case sweet.
The trailer also shows hints about the villains gamers are likely to encounter in the upcoming sequel. We managed to spot hints of three of those, first is Penguin, who used to operate at Iceberg Lounge(0:33 seconds), the second villain caught is most likely The Black Mask, who’s real name is Roman Sionis(0:46 seconds), and Two Face, the man with a disfigured face in the poster(0:36 seconds). If you spotted anyone else feel free to let us know in the comments.