Diggs Nightcrawler, only the second game ever to release for the PS3 Wonderbook, has quietly launched in the UK… I think. It's difficult to tell if the game is actually available, because it doesn't have its own Wikipedia page, and Amazon lists the release date as unknown. But the PlayStation website does give the release date as 29 May, i.e. last Wednesday, and Game at least has the game in stock.
It's a shame that Sony hasn't made more of a fuss about the release of Diggs Nightcrawler, because it could be the game to sell a few more Wonderbooks. Book of Spells was clever, but it wasn't actually much of a game. Diggs Nightcrawler, on the other hand, is an improvement on Book of Spells both in terms of story and gameplay. Noire-themed, albeit in a (mostly) kid-friendly way, it centres around a mystery that the protagonist Diggs must solve, with the player's help.
Young children can easily play, since actually controlling the game only requires the Wonderbook; even the Move controller is optional. A detailed scene appears on each opened page, and you play by manipulating the environment through moving the book. Turn it to show Diggs what lies around a corner, tilt the page to swing something over to him, show the pages to the camera to look down holes.
Maybe Sony has turned away from the Wonderbook while it focuses on the PlayStation 4, but if it still wants the peripheral to be more than a novelty it should look to more studios like Moonbot to provide the games that'll make that happen.