Diablo 3 recently celebrated its first anniversary, and Blizzard has prepared a gigantic infographic to detail the game's statistics over that same period. Among the notable figures include: An average of 2.1 million players log in to play the game daily, 14.5 million have played the game in total, and 8.2 million man-hours of the game are played daily. Each of these players has created a total of 67.1 million characters, 9% of which are hardcore.
Also interesting is the fact that Demon Hunters make up the largest number of characters, leading at 13.5 million, followed by the Barbarian, which also happens to be the most popular hardcore character.
Of all the players in Sanctuary, only 6% have completed the game on Inferno mode.
Check it out for yourself:
Despite how often people play the game, what's clear is that there isn't enough content to go around. We can't help but imagine what these statistics would look like if there was more content in the game.