“The Game Begins”, the second episode in Gamespot's GameCrib series, is available now. To those unfamiliar with the production, GameCrib is an online reality show following Team SoloMid's League of Legends team Snapdragon, chronicling their lives as they move through the third season of the League Championship Series. The initial episode began before the team moved into their gaming house, stretching into their efforts to build lodging space.
This week the team settles into routines, engage in their first games of the LCS, and the team offers their running thoughts on life as a group engaged in and learning from professional League play. Things also become a bit more, well… reality show.
For those of you who may not have enjoyed the first episode, viewer feedback for the second outing seems to be intensely happy about vast improvement. To borrow the illustrious Travis Gafford's words from his Reddit post:
“I hope you guys like this one. I'm not involved with the production, but I know that they really wanted to make use of the community feedback. People seemed to want it longer, want the Snapdragon ad shorter, and want a different narrator (all stuff I also agreed with) and it looks like they were able to hit all that.
Also the fight wasn't scripted.”
If you've been interested in what the lives of professional gamers are like, this series may be just what you've been itching for. To check out the latest episode for yourself head on over to their site.