Square Enix has published a new video in the “Guide to Survival” series, this one focused on the combat Lara must master in order to survive. While the narrator talks about wild animals, the video is solely focused on the different ways in which Lara can take out her many human opponents as she transitions from “struggling youth” to “seasoned adventurer”.
The coolest thing about the range of combat options in this game is that players won't be restricted to one way to play. This is backed up by the different skill trees available to choose from at the base camp, as well as which weapons you choose to upgrade with parts found in hidden tombs and elsewhere around the island.
For those who like a stealthier style of play, you can sneak up on enemies from behind and execute a stealth kill, maybe with Lara's climbing axe, and leave their comrades unaware. Lara's bow – her new iconic weapon in this reboot – is obviously useful for stealthy kills too, and you can also shoot arrows at the ground to distract enemies and split them up as they search for the source of the sound.
But for those who like to make a bit more of an impression, the game has plenty of options too. You can cause a ruckus by shooting a lantern to set a nearby enemy on fire or even sometimes set off an explosion. You can upgrade the variety of guns you come across to provide more devastating power. And you can get right up close to an enemy for an old-fashioned brawl, maybe throwing dirt in his face or pushing him off a cliff.
Which style will you choose?