That’s a weird statement to make, y’know, if you were just going to say “it will come out and you can play it” you’d list which consoles your game is coming out on specifically by name
But on a leaked poster that Kotaku brought to our attention, Ubisoft made great strides to distance themselves from being specific. By saying “All Home Consoles” are Ubisoft trying to suggest that they’ll only count the ones that are likely to be announced soon an out by the time it launches? Will it be a dual-generation game, toeing the line between the boxes we have now and the ones we’re currently disinterested in buying? Will it also come out on the PC alongside the consoles or will it be a console exclusive? Are they going to count the Wii U in this at all?
Jeez. Way to not answer any important questions in your thing you probably didn’t want us seeing anyway, Ubisoft.
Watch Dogs is one of those rare instances of a console exclusive that, right away, would urge a jaded and disinterested games veteran into further consideration about whether they’ve got room under their TV and too much in their wallet, even though we still know basically nothing about this thing other than the release trailer from last year.
Hopefully the fact that marketing material is being printed up now means that Ubisoft will be willing to be more forthcoming with information about the Cyber-Crime ‘Em Up open world shooter that may or may not have a multiplayer integration element or multiple protagonists.