If after watching this trailer you aren’t so overcome with a delight and enthusiasm that it’s impossible to contain, you and I probably don’t have the compatibility necessary to be in a long-term relationship.
We could manage a short summer fling, at best, but we’ll definitely never meet each other’s parents.
Ether One’s an Indie game from a small scale team, which seems apparent not through the graphical and cinematic quality of this pre-release footage which might as well have come from the highest budgeted studio in the land, but for the gall it takes to have the thing in your character’s right hand seemingly not offer a place to put bullets. The footage doesn’t display anything we haven’t seen in a game before (rapidly altering design from room to room, the pervasive sense of total otherworldlyness) but the sheer adeptness of direction more than sells this as an experience worth paying attention to.
This small glimpse likely won’t be enough for you, so if you want to ruin some of the magic by delving even deeper into what’s already available about the game, one of the team has put up some proof of concept videos on this channel and another is keeping a video blog here. There’s updates on this written blog on their website too
Go! Go vote this thing up on Greenlight already! It will help this thing become a reality! A reality where you get to explore environments that don’t exist in the real one!
The best reality of them all!