A new trailer has appeared for a new game from the guy behind Thirty Flights of Loving, and it looks pretty interesting. Quadrilateral Cowboy, from Brendon Chung (a.k.a. Blendo Games), is a sandbox game in which the player is armed with an old-school hacking deck. The unique aspect of this exploration game is that the player must control the hacking deck through an actual programming language.
In the video, we see the player use the hacking deck to open a door by typing "door1.open()", and to temporarily turn off a camera sensor with a whole string of commands. Chung is calling the game “Twentieth-century Cyberpunk”, and it looks absolutely fascinating, with a similar visual style to Thirty Flights of Loving backing up the old-school hacking theme.
Chung told IGN:
I grew up on computers in the late '80s and early '90s. Back then, DOS was the thing. There was something satisfying about punching commands into this console and mastering the language of DOS, optimizing your commands and getting really good at it.
Unfortunately, the website offers no details as to when the game will release beyond “Coming 2013”, so we might have to wait months to see if this experiment in game design pays off.