Halo 4 continues to be updated months after its release with the availability of new playlists and specializations, the latter of which allow players to exceed far beyond their Spartan levels with a range of armor and abilities.
Specializations were originally restricted to players who pre-ordered the game or picked up the limited edition, and are only just now becoming available to everyone else. Of the many specializations that Halo 4 offers, the following two are being released next week for mass consumption:
Rogue: Spartan optimization for single-operative missions which require a lone Spartan to be deployed on their own for incredibly long durations of time, even years if required. The Stability armor mod allows users to increase their aiming stability when being fired upon.
Tracker: Spartan optimization for long-range target tracking (trans-continent and off-world), particularly in scenarios where conventional tracking has failed or such a substantial time has passed that the trail has gone cold. The Requisition armor mod allows users the ability to recall their own ordnance requests in order to acquire more helpful weapons in the field.
The two specializations will be a part of next week's update, which also includes a new Team Doubles playlist which is spread across three sub-game modes, including Infinity Doubles, Doubles Pro, and CTF Doubles.
As the name suggests, Infinity Doubles is Infinity Slaer played out with two teams of two players. Likewise, CTF doubles sees two teams of two capturing the flag, and Doubles Pro is like SWAT.
And finally, Episode 8 of Spartan Ops is slated for release. Watch the trailer below:
Via Halo Waypoint.