The free to play ARPG title Akaneiro, a Red Riding Hood story set in feudal era Japan, is now live! The latest from American McGee, the game can now be downloaded from the official site free of charge, with a $20 option to unlock all twenty maps at the start. To sign and play, head over to the official site,
The Kickstarter campaign, with as of this writing only 46 hours left to go, has raised $169,853 of the requested $200,000. The money will be put towards releasing new content and features to the game that were not included the first time around, like co-op multiplayer, equipment crafting, versions for Android, iOS, and Linux, and more. There are still several top tier rewards left for your donation, so head over to plunk down your cash and support Akaneiro's next development phase (full disclosure: As an American McGee fan, I did so myself, and snagged a signed Xbox 360 copy of Alice: Madness Returns).
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