The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is finally hitting store shelves, and Nintendo is throwing a launch event. Where at? At their flagship retail location, The Nintendo World Store, located in the heart of New York City, naturally.
The festivities take place on the 25th, and runs 6PM-8PM, for those who wish to swing on by. Given that the 274 page tome's official street date is actually next week, on the 29th, attendees will therefore be the very first to own a copy.
Nintendo also points out there it will be only location in North American to have the limited edition available for purchase, which has long been since sold out via Amazon, which had been the sole means to acquire one, until now.
There will also be a costume contest and a host of other activities that is sure to delight everyone who decides to participate.
Though if it's anything like all the other events that takes place at the store, the line will start to form many hours in advance, and since it's so cold here in NYC, it's strongly encourage to show up early and to dress as warmly as possible.