Earlier today, the much desired (and sorely needed) web interface for the PlayStation Store was launched. Why the want and need? Because purchasing games and movies, even just looking for them, is a serious hassle on the PlayStation 3.
But thankfully, the primary means in which everyone will continue to acquire content has not been forgotten. According to ComputersAndVideoGames, a patch is being released that will improve the experience across the board.
The modest 26MB patch addresses a number of issues that has universally plagued users since the PlayStation Store was redesigned last fall. It purportedly makes everything faster snappier, so lading times should actually be tolerable.
Plus all those error messages are now a thing of the past. Again, supposedly; we’ll believe it when we see it.
For all those joking that we've all been essentially beta testers for the PS4's store, or simply for the Japanese market (they're still using the old storefront, but that ends next week) can all breathe a sigh of relief.