Siliconera reports that in a recent Capcom Unity forum thread, one person asked if the Wii U might possibly receive ports of older games, like Resident Evil 6 or Lost Planet 3 (though the inclusion of the later game is a bit perplexing, given that it hasn't even come out period).
And it's certainly not the craziest idea in the world, given how the Wii U has already received ports of several, not so distant titles. Including Mass Effect 3, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Arkham City. Anyhow, in response, Capcom Senior VP, Christian Svensson had this to say:
"With regard to WiiU, in general we’re looking forward, not back so late ports are generally not on the table."
Well, if you are one of the few who only had a Wii before the Wii U entered the picture, and are hoping to use that to play all the PS3/Xbox 360 games you missed… in the case of Resident Evil 6… you're not missing anything.
Though Svensson's statement does fly in the face of Capcom's sole release scheduled for the Wii U, that being Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, which is the Wii U enhanced version of Monster Hunter 3, which originally came out of the Wii three years ago.
Then again, given how Monster Hunter is one of the few reliable sources of revenue for the company, perhaps there's an exception in this instance?