The 3DS isn't the only portable platform that in which piracy has taken on new alarming levels among some. It's long been an issue over on the iOS side of things. And previously, one needed to jailbreak their iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad to run restricted or pirated software. But that's no longer the case.
Gizmodo reports that, with the closure of Hackulous, which was a pirated app community, some have developed new methods to distribute software, making the process far easier and far more devious than ever before.
Two new services, Zeusmos and Kuaiyong, allows for instant, one-tap installs of pirated apps. Absolutely no jailbreaking is required. One is a web app while another must be purchased, which is further insult to injury to app makers who again getting shafted.
One of the developers claims that it's a way to distribute homebrew apps without having to pay the required yearly Apple developer account. Though many feel that it's nothing more than a petty excuse.
Not only does such an exploit make it easier to rip off developers, but for especially unscrupulous individuals to distribute malware as well.