Petroglyph Games has sent thirty of its developers to the employment chopping block after it cancelled End of Nations, a game which, the studio claims, is still in development despite halting the beta indefinitely.
End of Nations has been available as a full-priced preorder for some months now, and players who picked it up were given access to a closed beta test—myself included. It’s unknown whether we’ll be getting our money back, but it’s something that many players—again, myself included—are going to be vigorously pursuing over the next few days.
The game’s publisher Trion has been reportedly (via Eurogamer) offering refunds to to people who had already bought the game, but many have yet to receive any information about the state of their purchases.
Despite the studio’s assurances that the game remains in development, I think it’s fair to say that it’s the end of End of Nations.