As get ever closer to Ninja Theory's reboot of Capcom's Devil May Cry franchise, new details have been trickling in at a steady pace. And the latest tidbit concerns the other Son of Sparda: Vergil.
By now, longtime fans of the franchise (who are still a bit unsure of this new, thoroughly Western) are well aware that Dante's sibling will be part of the proceedings. But will he will be playable? The answer to that is yes.
But will he be unlockable? The answer to that is no. Sorry, you'll need 720 MSPoints or $8.99 on the PlayStation Network to download Vergil’s Downfall. As you can see, he's handles himself quite differently from his bro:
Capcom Unity explains:
"[Vergil’s Downfall] tells the story of how Vergil got to be where is with regards to the main story in the game… And since it's a different chapter, Vergil's Downfall brings new enemies to the table – which you can then slice and dice with weapons and combos that are unique to Vergil."
Those who are less than thrilled with forking over extra cash for Vergil might be happy to know that he can be acquired at no cost. Provided one pre-orders the game at your local Gamestop.