In an interview on the French PlayStation blog, Daniel Maniago – Community Manager at SuperBot – has said that more characters and other content will be made available for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale as downloadable content. When asked “Verra-t-on d'autres personnages et d'autres arènes après la sortie du jeu, avec des contenus télécharegeables?” (“Will there be other characters and stages after the game's launch, with downloadable content?”), Maniago said:
“Oui, il y aura des personnages supplémentaires, ainsi que d’autres niveaux sous formes de DLC.”
(“Yes, there will be supplementary characters, as well as other levels in the form of DLC.”)
Maniago also pointed out that he likes the variety in the characters already announced for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, comparing “a character as nice as Sackboy” (“un personnage plutôt gentil comme Sackboy”) with “a slightly more serious character like Kratos or Nathan Drake” (“un peu plus sérieux comme Kratos ou Nathan Drake). Given that a lot of PlayStation's more “serious” names have been given a spot in the game already, we'll probably see more minor characters in the DLC, so don't expect Snake or Lara Croft. I'm guessing they'll pull a Borderlands 2 and make DLC the only way we'll be able to expand the choice of female characters, a particularly shifty way to get money out of those of us who like to have some gender variance in our games.