Check Out This Epic Gaming Rap Battle Between Two Major Franchises
Who do you think won?
Who do you think won?
Top upcoming video games of 2017 for kids.
Most of the servers are back online, but still are going down periodically.
Is there an actual Superman game in the works?
Top upcoming tactical RPGs of 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PlayStation Vita.
The game beat out powerhouses like Minecraft and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Diamond in the rough.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Unlock the rare CJ-9 Bo-Rifle in Star Wars: Battlefront with this quick guide -- explaining how to get it, and why it's so special.
How Playdead creates the inescapable sense of tension in hit game Inside through game art.
Give this some time before buying...
Top upcoming dinosaur themed video games of 2017.
The top upcoming side-scrolling video games of 2017 for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and 3DS.
Top upcoming action-adventure video games of 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Visit Hell over the holiday with these creative custom campaigns for DOOM (2016), all designed in-game with SnapMap.
Changes to the romance system were also touched on in the interview with Official PlayStation Magazine.
From now until January 3rd, take part in this festive event.
The Division's Survival Expansion Pack finally comes to Ps4
Battlefield 1 launched its holiday event with a unique custom game.
A new game-play trailer for Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 shows players a full mission.
Free DLC, Credits and Double XP!
Some of the best upcoming shooters of 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.