Together with the release of the film, Star Wars has launched the Rouge One: Scarif DLC so that players can relive the awesomeness of the film. Unfortunately upon launch players have complained about the huge host of bugs they are coming across in this DLC installment, across platforms, one of which being the very problematic error of players losing accesses to their previously purchased DLC.
For some season pass owners, previous DLC packs have been locked. EA has issued a workaround, citing a reissued license as the root of the problem. Other problems include: sonic imploder kills not registering, inability to unlock hutt contracts for the medical droid, challenges resetting, and U-Wing crafts suddenly appearing 1km away from the battlefield.
It’s unfortunate to see so many errors in the DLC especially because it includes such great content such as two new heroes, a new Infiltration game mode, and a new map. Looks like fans are going to have to wait a little longer to fight on Galactic holiday beach of Scarif.
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