Helldivers II: How to Join or Host a Public Game
Of course, ideally you'll want to be playing with friends. However, if that's not an option for you in Helldivers II, anyone will do.
Of course, ideally you'll want to be playing with friends. However, if that's not an option for you in Helldivers II, anyone will do.
Fans of squad shooters will no doubt be happy to learn that Helldivers II is here to scratch your spacefaring, bug-killing itch. The sequel to the highly successful and popular first game has only been out for a short while but is already stirring up a serious player base, making it a bit intimidating for …
Amid all of the exploding bug guts and the never-ending march of liberty, you might be wondering how to get more weapons in Helldivers II.
Doing well, THEN cranking out new content...what a concept.
Sometimes, you just want to have fun with friends.
Expect the update to go live this Friday!