The Darkness II breaks out of the sea of conventional first-person shooters with its fervid Quad-Wielding gameplay, which will allow players to slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies with their Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons. The game is layered with the use of dark versus light, steeped in deep and twisted storytelling, and engulfed in stylistic violence that is visualized through a hand-painted graphic noir technique that stays true to its comic book origins.
Platforms pc
DEVELOPER Digital Extremes | PUBLISHER Codemasters | RELEASE DATE
The Darkness II Reviews pc review
It’s a crowded feature-set to shove into a game and one which often ends up spoiling the otherwise excellent combat which it surrounds. All you have to do is press R or E at the wrong moment and you’ll find yourself not reloading your gun or slashing an enemy, but grabbing a new gun or piece of scenery. It’s only through careful attention and plentiful mistakes that you can reliably overcome these obstacles.
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Despite some problems with polish and a story that takes time to develop into something great, The Darkness II ends up as an early treat in the new year. The narrative elements help the pacing considerably, breaking up Jackie’s engaging and brutal murderfests. It may not end up being the best shooter of 2012, but it could very well be the one that makes you feel the most powerful.
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A successful series of kills rewards Jackie with essence – a wooshy purple substance that can be traded for extra powers. Some of these powers are functional, providing additional ammunition or shortening reload times; others are ridiculous. My favourite gave me the chance to hurl my darkling at chosen foes. I’d grab him before a fight, letting him hang off to the side of the screen in swimming pool ‘cannonball’ pose, before launching him forward, his tiny claws raking and scraping at enemy eyes.
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It’s a smaller package than the original Darkness and it does have a few black marks, but that doesn’t stop The Darkness II from showing that there’s plenty of life in this franchise. Digital Extremes has backed itself to give a different take on the source material, yet held true to the core of what made the original game such a memorable experience. Sink your teeth into it.
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The story gets off to an explosive start, with an intense on-rails restaurant shoot-out that ultimately leads to the eye-opening emergence of The Darkness; that is, the hellish presence that grants Jackie his incredible powers.
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