Call of Duty: Ghosts also has a lean function, but unlike its implementation in Battlefield 4, which clearly shows player characters as they reveal themselves from cover to lean out and take a shot, Ghosts’ lean function does not appear to have a leaning animation and players leaning from cover remain invisible to their opponents.
GenreFirst-Person Shooters
Platforms ps3
DEVELOPER Infinity Ward, Neversoft Entertainment | PUBLISHER Codemasters | RELEASE DATE
Call of Duty: Ghosts Reviews ps3 review
Map design in Ghosts is very interesting. Maps feel bigger, on the whole, than most Call of Duty maps do, but they are also filled with buildings, tunnels, gates, and all sorts of other doodads that change the map makeup. As a result, games never feel slow, and you never feel like you are forced to run out into the open like an idiot. All the maps have that close, intense person-on-person feeling that Black Ops maps have while still being far larger and more interactive. review
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Controllers aside, the most obvious difference between the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of Call of Duty: Ghosts is the graphical fidelity. The contrast is night and day, with the PS3 version looking significantly flatter, fuzzier, and less detailed than PS4 release. The last major difference is a maximum of only 12 players for online multiplayer on the PS3, down from 18 players on the PS4.
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Ghosts offers the same style of video game combat that Call of Duty has had since 2007. The core of it is still engaging and can be very thrilling, if you’re receptive to this type of action. In fact, it’s still my favorite online multiplayer shooter. But the bells and whistles surrounding the game are muted and missing, leaving behind that same core without giving you enough new and exciting reasons to come back. Even with the improved graphics to be had on next-generation consoles, I’d rather play Black Ops II.
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Speaking of multiplayer, which features an improved create-a-soldier system, the brand-new Squads mode, and the alien-focused Extinction mode, you’ll notice that it’s not a part of this review. Without a significant beta, reviewing multiplayer before launch is hit-or-miss. You’ll hear more about the multiplayer from USgamer in the coming days.
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