World War I, also known as the Great War was a global war. It began in 1914 and lasted for 4 years. World War I was fought between the Allies; United Kingdom, France, Russia and the Central Powers; Germany and Austria-Hungary. Don’t worry, this is no Dark Souls game, so I won’t bore you with too much history. The Great War is widely known because the large majority of the conflict was “trench warfare”, which doesn’t make for the best Call of Duty sub-title. What the Great War did have was horror, desperation, death, and disease. Call of Duty has had a number of incredible installments to the franchise that, at times, deal with dark themes and enforce sadness through the storytelling. I believe that while World War I certainly doesn’t include a vast array of shooty-laser-pew-pew things, if any at all, it does house many deep and meaningful stories just waiting to be told.
During World War I a small variety of weapons were used. The main weapon used by the British was a bolt-action rifle. 15 rounds per minute with a range of up to 1,500 yards. Large ground mounted machine guns were also used but had to be manned by 4-6 soldiers. The upside? These machine guns had the power of around 100 rifles combined, so- yeah. Of course, there were also Zeppelins, Tanks, Planes, and Torpedoes, but the real killer of World War I was Gas. The Germans were the first to use Chlorine gas at the battle of Ypres in 1915. The gas causes a burning sensation in the throat, severe chest pains and finally, suffocation and death. The downside? If the wind was blowing weirdly you could kill your own troops, so- yeah- again.
Considering the huge amount of weapons and attachments players expect from Call of Duty, World War I is not very likely, but would still be an incredible setting for a deep narrative shooter.