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Now that Modern Warfare 3 is here we can confirm what we all expected — this is a weird Frankenstein of a game. Instead of coming out with a totally new Multiplayer, Modern Warfare 3 is grafted onto the previous entry like an extra limb. That means you’ll find weapons, gear and other options leftover from Modern Warfare 2. And you’ll want to avoid all that stuff for some very good reasons. The new weapons are literally better in every way when it comes to Multiplayer.
Before diving into Multiplayer in Modern Warfare 3, here are some tips you absolutely need to know. We’ve got three major pieces of advice — and if you pick the right guns and gadgets, you can crush in the early days of MW3. There are some new options that you won’t want to miss. That includes the best MP guns in Modern Warfare 3.
Always Pick Modern Warfare 3 Guns
Modern Warfare 3 essentially updates the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer suite — and that means you’ll find all the Modern Warfare 2 weapons alongside Modern Warfare 3 weapons. If you want every possible advantage, you’ll want to stick with MW3 weapons only. There are a number of reasons, but these weapons are just better.
- Due to changes to TTK (Time-To-Kill) and weapon damage, Modern Warfare 3 guns are better than any others. The rest of the weapons in the armory have not been balanced for increased player health. Players now have 150 health standard — that’s +50 over MW2. The old weapons aren’t balanced for this change.
Modern Warfare 3 aren’t just more powerful naturally, they also have cleaner visual design. Oddly, MW2 weapons have incredibly realistic details — there’s smoke, tracers, and combustion that looks amazing but creates a busy image that can be distracting. The gunshot effects of Modern Warfare 3 have been severely simplified. You’ll get a lot less effects thrown in your face.
Assault Rifles & SMGs Are Best
Assault Rifles and SMGs are the kings of MW3 multiplayer. Combine with the new Tac Stance and you can exchange with opponents at any range. The new Tac Stance is a new aiming mode exclusive to Modern Warfare 3 — instead of ADS (Aim Down Sights) fully, you’ll hold the weapon up and sideways. This is more accurate than shooting from the hip, but faster than ADS. Weapons like Assault Rifles can have slower ADS time — if you’re rounding a corner with an AR, Tac Stance is ideal for defense.
- You can tell which guns are which by looking for the MWIII logo in the top-right corner of the weapon selection screen.
Assault Rifles are good for ranged combat and SMGs are useful for close-range. Two of your first weapons are extremely powerful. While they have been nerfed recently, fan outcry might buff them back up. And they’re still killer weapons, even after the Day 1 patch.
- MCW is one of the best Assault Rifles.
- Striker is one of the best SMGs.
Marksman Rifles aren’t nearly as good as they used to be. Like Sniper Rifles, Marksman Rifles have no autoaim assist when aiming down sights. That makes them far less effective than almost any Assault Rifle. Skip the Marskman Rifles and focus on literally any other option.
Important Perks For Non-Campers
If you’re a beginning player and want to build up fast scorestreaks while sprinting around the map full speed, you can pull it off. This game gives campers a big advantage, but there are perks you can bring that make dealing with campers easier.
- Dead Silence: Temporarily makes your footsteps silent and applies Ghost. Gun, melee, and throwing knife kills refresh duration.
- Bone Conduction Headset: Reduces combat noise, allowing identification of enemy footsteps and gunshots.
This pair of perks allows you to move quietly, making it more difficult for campers to hear you around corners. Dead Silence is an essential ability for players that like moving around — pair it with a silencer and throwing knives to constantly refresh. The Bone Conduction Headset only makes audio even better.
- A.C.S.: The Automated Computer Spike slowly captures points and temporarily hack nearby enemy devices. Point capturing applies in the following modes: Domination, Hardpoint, Control and Ground War.
One of the best Field Upgrades allows you to play objectives while staying on-the-move. There’s no reason to camp if you dump an A.C.S. on an objective. This also hacks annoying opponent devices — giving you an easy advantage even if your team of random players are all in it for themselves.
Combine these simple weapons and perks and you’ll be crushing the leaderboards in the start of the MW3 season. Seriously, the competition is the easiest to get a grip on at the start of the season — we’re newbies and were still managing 4:1 kill ratios.