Magic items are rare and powerful unique artifacts in Baldur’s Gate 3. Each one you find can wildly change your playstyle, giving you new options for combat encounters or for roleplay that might’ve seemed impossible before. There are only about 9~ magic items found in Act 1, and some of these items are so useful, they’re essential. Below, you’ll find explanations for each item and where to find them. There is a quest associated with each item, but many quests can be solved multiple different ways — and often you can complete quests and still steal back the rare loot you just turned in.
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The Sword of Justice
Two-Handed Melee. 2D6+1 Slashing. Grants Tyr’s Protection spell, Cleave, Pommel Strike (Bonus Action) and Lacerate. Tyr’s Protection is a Bonus Action spell that increases AC by +2 for the user.
Location: The Sword of Justice can be acquired during the Hunt the Devil quest on The Risen Road in Act 1. Talk to the Tiefling Karlach on the road and investigate a group of Paladins. The Paladins are actually devil-worshippers in disguise. Defeat the leader Anders to acquire the sword.
Gloves of Power
Uncommon Gloves. Absolute’s Bane: On a melee hit, possibly inflict a -1d4 penalty to the target’s Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. Sleight of Hand +1. Very useful for any Rogue.
Location: When you first approach the Emerald Grove gates, a cutscene will introduce Wyll as goblins attack. Defeat the goblins and loot their leader to acquire the Gloves of Power.
Idol of Silvanus
Quest item that grants Silvanus’s Blessing. While holding, grants proficiency in Animal Handling and Nature. Animal Handling allows you to interact with animals and communicate.
Location: Found at the Druid Grove during the Steal the Sacred Idol quest in Act 1. To begin this quest, you need to talk to Mol. By saving the Tieflings during the Investigate the Beach quest, you’ll unlock the secret entrance to the Tiefling hideout. Talk to Mol to begin the quest — at the Druid Grove, you can safely steal the idol by placing it in a different chest and walking away.
NOTE: You can complete the quest by returning the Idol to Mol, then immediately steal it back from her.
Beastmaster’s Chain
Uncommon Jewel. Animal Friendship Level 1 Enchantment Spell. An alternative and much easier-to-find artifact that grants Animal Friendship. You’ll get this just by clearing the Warg Pens area during the Goblin Camp dungeon.
Location: In the depths of the Goblin Camp, through the Shattered Sanctum, you’ll find the Warg Pens. This inner area is where Halsin of the Druid Camp is located. In a chest near a table full of body parts, you’ll find this magic jewel.
Shadow of Menzoberranzan
Uncommon helmet. Light armor. Grants Shrouded in Shadow spell. Cast to become invisible. Spell breaks if you attack, take damage, cast more spells or take actions. Incredibly useful.
Location: Found in the Underdark during the Protect the Myconid Circle quest in Act 1. Find it in the north of the Underdark. Talk to Sovereign Spaw to begin the quest — he’ll ask you to kill Duergars at Underdark Beach to the south. Defeat them all and Spaw will unlock the colony treasure room.
Disintegrating Night Walkers
Rare boots. When worn, grants the Night Walker status effect — the wearer can’t be trapped (webs, snares, etc) and can’t slip (ice / oil). Also grants the Misty Step Conjuration spell. Cast to teleport instantly to the target location.
Location: Found in the Grymforge during the Free True Soul Nere quest in Act 1. Talk to Seargeant Thrinn in the Grymforge to begin the quest. Eventually, you’ll clear the way to Nere’s body. Looting Nere’s body you’ll find the Disintegrating Night Walkers.
Amulet of Misty Step
An alternate accessory that grants Misty Step. Like the previous Magic Item, it allows you to teleport to a target location. Very good for combat or for positioning with an Assassin / Rogue. This is also easier to acquire.
Location: Located in the personal quarters of True Soul Gut in the Shattered Sanctum. Kill her and take the key (or find an alternate entrance) and go inside the Defiled Sanctum. You’ll need to take care of the massive bodyguard. Loot the large chest inside to find this useful item.
Necromancy of Thay
Quest item that can be read to grant Speak the Dead spell. This spell allows you to ask 5 questions to corpses that still have their mouth.
Location: Found in the Blighted Village during the Search the Cellar quest in Act 1. In the tavern building, enter the cellar and find the secret switch behind three chests. This reveals a magic mirror. Save your game before interacting — you’ll need to answer its questions correctly. If you do, you’ll reach an interior chamber with the book. Enter turn-based mode and take the book, then place an equivalent weight item on the pedestal to avoid setting off a trap.
Next, you’ll need to acquire a Dark Amethyst to actually read the book. Found in the Whispering Depth below the Blighted Village, this area is guarded by a Phase Spider. Reading the book requires multiple skill checks so save before attempting.
Spidersilk Armor
Rare Light Armor. 12 AC. Stealthy: Gain a +1 bonus to Stealth Checks. Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws Checks. Incredibly useful rare armor for stealth.
Location: Dropped by Nightwarden Minthara. Minthara is an optional evil companion character if you decide to join her attack on the Emerald Grove. Find her planning inside the Shattered Sanctum, in the interior of the Goblin Camp. The camp is west of the Blighted Village. You’ll need to defeat her to progress the Emerald Grove quest if you’re working to save the druids.