There are more challenges waiting in the Tides of Foscari DLC for Vampire Survivors. The latest expansion includes 13 new weapons, 8 new characters, and 1 new adventure map. At least, that’s what the official announcement says. In reality, there’s a hidden bonus variant map you can unlock by completing one of the mysteries. When you first start up the Lake Foscari, there’s a “?” marked on your map. If you manage to live long enough to reach the marker in the far northeast of the map, you’ll probably be unable to interact with it at all.
The question mark is the Seal. This can only be broken with specific characters and their evolved weapons. You’ll need to unlock characters in sequence, then fully explore the map. Lake Foscari is a very different type of map than previous maps — this is a massive overworld adventure map, closer to Legend of Zelda than the repeating tilesets of Vampire Survivors. Navigating the map can be tricky, and you can only cross to the north of the map through a few hard-to-reach bridges. There’s a lot to find, and if you want to unlock Hyper Mode or Abyss Foscari for a higher level of challenge, check out the full guide below.
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How To Unlock All Stages | Tides of Foscari DLC
The Tides of Foscari DLC states there is one new map — but there are actually three additional variants to unlock.

- Lake Foscari: Adventure map. Unlocked after purchase of the ‘Tides of Foscari’ DLC. Appears at the bottom of the stages list.
- Lake Foscari Hyper Mode: Survive for 25 minutes and the Avatar of Gaea boss will spawn. Defeat it to unlock Hyper Mode for this map.
- Abyss Foscari: Play Lake Foscari with Kethia. Evolve the Flash Arrow and use this weapon to break the seal in the northeast of the map, on the shore of the lake. The seal is marked “?” on your map.
- The Flash Arrow is evolved after collecting Clover (Max Level) + Bracer (Max Level)
- Abyss Foscari Hyper Mode: Play Abyss Foscari with Keitha. Like before, evolve the Flash Arrow and break the seal in the alternate map. It is still marked with a “?” on your map. Break the seal and a boss will spawn. Defeat the boss (called Je-Ne-Viv) to unlock Hyper Mode.
That’s all four stages. Two are Hyper Mode variants that are common in the regular game. Abyss Foscari is the real challenge and leads to multiple new characters. That’s the one you’ll really want.