Leveling up isn’t as easy as simply earning XP in God of War Ragnarok. You don’t earn levels by reaching XP thesholds — but you do earn XP. Experience Points (XP) are only used to purchase skills in the skills tree. XP won’t change your level. The only way to change your level is to upgrade. Kratos’s level is an average of his current stats, amalgamated from the current rank of his weapons and armor. The higher the grade your weapon and armor, the higher your average level will be. And you can only reach up to Level 9.
Enemies have levels too. If you start hunting Yggdrasil Rifts early, you’ll encounter crushingly difficult enemies that will wipe the floor with Kratos. To stand a chance, you’ll need to upgrade Kratos’s weapons and armor at the Blacksmith. The easiest, most common way to find the materials you need is to complete favors and open Legendary Chests in the open-world areas of the realms. After completing many of the story sequences, you’ll be able to further explore large regions that are packed with treasure. And treasure is all you need to level up. No XP required.
How Leveling Up Works

In God of War: Ragnarok you can grind enemies all day and never gain a level. Levels are not earned through XP. Levels are earned by upgrading your equipment.
- How To Increase Kratos’s Level: You must upgrade all of Kratos’s gear. Level is determined through averaging all your gear together. Here’s a list of everything you need to keep upgraded to raise your level.
- All weapons. Your overall level will increase based on all weapons and their current level.
- All weapon attachments. Every weapon can get one attachment. These are also important toward your level.
- Equipped shield and shield attachment: You’ll find many different shields. The level of your equipped shield and the level of your shield attachment contribute to your overall level.
- All equipped armor. Kratos can equip three types of armor. Each one and its level will contribute to your overall level.
- Equipped amulet enchantments. By finding Yggdrasil Jewels and upgrading your Amulet, you can equip more enchantments and give boosts to your overall level.
Weapons and Armor are the most important factors toward your level and bringing the Blacksmith the equipment required to unlock high level upgrades is essential. Search everywhere, especially optional large areas, and collect materials to slowly enhance your arsenal. Different activities also have different rewards, so try doing everything to earn the unique hero upgrade items required to enhance your primary weapons.
Talk to the Blacksmith to upgrade. Upgrading primary weapons doesn’t cost anything, except unique collectibles that are also extremely hard to find. Complete Yggdrasil Rift combat challenges, defeat miniboss enemies in each area, clear out enemy camps and defeat Berserkers or close Draugr Holes. Do all that, attempting to clear out new optional areas as they appear, and you’ll be swimming in upgrade materials. Once you reach the open-ended area of Vanaheim, you’ll practically be able to beat everything. Just not two extra berserkers in the exact same arena.