Alongside Cyno’s debut, Genshin Impact released Sumeru’s desert region. Simultaneously terrifying and beautiful, the desert introduces players to new creatures and materials. Also, you can whack some tumbleweeds. But with the desert comes the most annoying local specialty to grace the game…and of course, Cyno needs it.
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Cyno’s Sumeru Specialty is the Scarab. Scarabs can only be found in the desert and, if the memes are to be believed, are a pain to farm. Thankfully, as of the first phase of Version 3.1, Cyno is the only character who uses Scarabs. So take the opportunity to grab as many of them as possible. Currently, no shops in Teyvat sell Scarabs. However, the NPC Nawaz in Aarhus Village will give you 4 of them the first time you talk to him.
For the most part, you can farm Scarabs in the sandy areas around the Great Red Sand. Once that’s exhausted, you should be able to find some underground around The Mausoleum of King Deshret. However, this may take you a while to do since Cyno needs 168 Scarabs in all to reach Level 90. Good luck.
Cyno needs the Thunderclap Fruitcore from the common boss, the Electro Regisvine. The latest addition to the Regisvine family resides in the Mawtiyima Forest in Sumeru. Like its predecessors, the Electro Regisvine is underground…and it’s also very easy to beat. Of course, like all Normal Bosses, the Electro Regisvine will drop the Vajrada Amethyst gem series. You’ll also need these for any Electro character ascension. The easiest way to beat the Electro Regisvine is to use Pyro, Dendro, or Cryo characters.
Finally, Cyno needs the Scroll series as his common enemy drop. By the time you reach Sumeru, you probably have a lot of Scrolls stocked up. But if you don’t, Scrolls are dropped by Samachurls – the little Hilichurl shamans with big, chunky staffs. Thankfully, it doesn’t matter what Element they wield, they will all drop Scrolls.
Ascension Materials
Ascension 1 – Level 21-40
1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
3 Scarab
3 Divining Scroll
20,000 Mora
Ascension 2 – Level 40 – 50
3 Vajrada Amethyst Fragments
2 Thunderclap Fruitcore
10 Scarab
15 Divining Scroll
40,000 Mora
Ascension 3 Level 50 – 60
6 Vajrada Amethyst Fragments
4 Thunderclap Fruitcore
20 Scarab
12 Sealed Scroll
60,000 Mora
Ascension 4 Level 60-70
3 Vajrada Amethyst Chunks
8 Thunderclap Fruitcore
30 Scarab
18 Sealed Scroll
80,000 Mora
Ascension 5 Level 70-80
6 Vajrada Amethyst Chunks
12 Thunderclap Fruitcore
45 Scarab
12 Forbidden Curse Scroll
100,000 Mora
Ascension 6 Level 80-90
6 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones
20 Thunderclap Fruitcore
60 Scarab
24 Forbidden Curse Scroll
120,000 Mora
Full Ascension Total
1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
9 Vajrada Amethyst Fragments
9 Vajrada Amethyst Chunks
6 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones
46 Thunderclap Fruitcore
168 Scarab
18 Divining Scroll
30 Sealed Scroll
36 Forbidden Curse Scroll
420,000 Mora