Inventory Tweaks
Inventory Tweaks may possibly be my favorite utility mod for Minecraft and its one that I think most gamers will appreciate even if they are not into drastically changing the Minecraft gameplay. What Inventory Tweaks does is allow gamers to easily sort their inventory with a single click. I can’t tell you how often I stress out looking at a cluttered and an unorganized inventory screen in Minecraft. I’ll easily find blocks that are not full in capacity taking up precious storage slots and of course mixed with various items, the point is, I absolutely hate a messy inventory.
If you’re like me then Inventory Tweaks will be a lifesaver. From a single click of a button, your inventory will be organized.
Although, one of the nicer feature that comes tucked in with Inventory Tweaks is its ability to automatically replace items in your hotkey’s. Let’s say you run out of a certain block while constructing a building, Inventory Tweaks will notice that and replenish the blocks automatically in the desired hotkey if you’re currently carrying more of the same block type within your inventory. The same can be said about tools, break a pickaxe? No worries, Inventory Tweaks will hook you up with another pickaxe without messing around searching for a replacement.