Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is finally here after five long years of rumbling tummies. The DLC comes packed with 12 new bosses to fight, a brand new playable character, and new weapons and accessories for you to find and equip as well. However, at the end of it all is a brutal boss fight with Chef Saltbaker, and we’re going to tell you how to send him packing in no time.
Other Cuphead The Delicious Last Course Guides:
How to Get All Coins – How to Find the Secret Boss – How to Defeat Glumstone the Giant – How to Beat the Moonshine Mob – How to Beat Esther Winchester – How to Beat the Howling Aces – How to Beat Mortimer Freeze – How to Unlock the Divine Relic – How to Double Your HP – How to Complete the King’s Leap
How to Beat Chef Saltbaker in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
1st Phase
There are several key attacks to watch out for in the first part of this Cuphead fight, but fortunately, they can all be predicted based on what the Chef is doing in the background. When he’s cutting limes, watch for the fruit to start swirling in from the sides of the screen. These projectiles can also be destroyed. When he makes sugar cubes, they will come bouncing in from the side, and the pink ones can be parried to build up your hit meter.
When Chef Saltbaker begins chopping up strawberries, watch for them to come soaring in like missiles from the top of the screen. Finally, when he makes animal crackers out of dough, they’ll come galloping in from the side of the screen and can be destroyed as well.

2nd Phase
For the second phase, you’re battling the Chef’s pepper shakers. They’ll sneeze out their attacks in tandem, which can be tough to avoid. The homing shot is highly recommended here. The sneezes come quickly on top of one another, and you’ll need to watch out for falling oregano leaves that flutter back and forth, garlic cloves that bounce around the screen at random, and an active flame that will scurry around the arena incessantly.

3rd Phase
This section goes relatively quickly. As the dough dances around the screen, watch for its repeating patterns and run under it or jump over it whenever you need to in order to avoid taking damage.

4th Phase
The final section of this fight will see you doing another platforming bout. Again, the homing blast really comes in handy here, as there’s a lot to keep track of while you’re jumping around. The platforms come fast, forcing you to move quickly in order to stay alive. Meanwhile, the Chef will bounce around the screen, occasionally turning pink for you to parry. Stay calm and blast away at him while keeping your footing, and you’ll have him down for the count.