Nvidia has been trying to catch up with ATI’s Directx 11 offerings for months but with the unveiling of GTX 480 and GTX 470 graphic cards it seems they have made some headway in the performance department. Hardware reviewers are claiming that the GTX 480 is 1.2 times faster than ATI’s 5870 and Nvidia itself is saying that the GTX 480 is 2X time faster than the GTX 285.
1. Nvidia’s Water and Terrain Tech Demonstration showed us how tessellation will play an important role in the future for high fidelity environments with enhanced geometry
2. Nvidia Hair Demonstration which not only shows tessellation itself but also physical tessellation by simulating and rendering realistic hair with tens of thousands of strands.
3. Nvidia Supersonic Sled Demonstration uses DirectX 11 tesselation for enhanced geometry count and how the Physx API helps to model all the parts of the demo, making the volumetric smoke from the engine being deflected by blast screens, the overhanging rock arc crumbling and the bridge break down.
4. Nvidia Design Garage is a good example of using both SceniX and OptiX on GTX 480. This demo uses SceniX for its 3D framework and OptiX for all of its rendering, and it runs about 3.5X faster than on a GTX 280
5. GTX 480 & GTX 470 Tech specs How does it stack up against previous Nvidia Graphics Cards? See for yourself below.