Are you looking to charge through the trenches? Mud, guns and general chaos on the field, you’ll need lightning reflexes and a sharp mind to survive the front. Get ready to conquer your foes across Europe and come to grips with the reality of some of the most tragic battles ever to appear in the history books. Here are the best Xbox One World War 1 games you need to play!
#8 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: October 23, 2015
In the time of the Industrial Revolution, things in the world were growing at a pace that would astonish many, and set the tone for all the things to come.
This includes the exploitation of those who don’t have much, as those who have the money and power seek to crush those who don’t, and exploit them mightily. Enter the twins Jacob and Evie Frye, who must lead an underground syndicate in order to take on the threats that loom above.
A big open-world awaits you, and new allies and enemies will make this a very interesting gameplay experience for you. However, if you’re willing to spend a bit more time on optional quests then you can even dabble a few missions set in World War 1. There’s only a handful of missions available but it provides some memories from our protagonists during the great war.
#7 Valiant Hearts

Developer: Ubisoft Montpellier
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: 24th of June 2014
The first world war was a horrifying period in history. Valiant Hearts tells a dark and serious story accompanied by a host of interesting historical facts. Valiant Heart follows the individual tales of a handful of characters as they do their level best to survive. The game focuses on the personal conflicts of each character. Instead of blindly gunning down your enemies, like most other games in this genre. This puzzle-platformer prioritizes helping those you encounter. Valiant Hearts does an excellent job of depicting the atrocity of warfare. The game has a wonderful art style and soundtrack which both compliment the story and its characters beautifully.
#6 Verdun

Developer: M2H, Blackmill Games
Publisher: M2H
Release: 28th of April 2015
Charge through the trenches at Verdun alongside your squad. Verdun has been hailed as a highly realistic World War One game. It offers an incredibly authentic experience with a great deal of realistic hardcore warfare mechanics. The game balances the weaponry well and ensures that it’s a fair but tough warfare experience for everyone. The historical accuracy extends to one of the most fearsome weapons of the era: Gas. Gas attacks occur often and likely signify that encroaching foes are preparing to charge their way across no-mans land. You’ll need to respond by putting your gas mask on, lest you wish to suffer. Take heed, the mask will limit your periphery. Verdun has a heavy dependence on realism, teamwork and strategy, and it will take great fortitude to triumph.
#5 Tannenberg

Developer: M2H, Blackmill Games
Publisher: M2H
Release: 13th of February 2019
Fight your way along the Eastern Front in Tannenberg, another offering from M2H that features authentic uniforms, weapons and iconic battles from history. The trench warfare is as ferocious as ever, although in this offering you’ll also be forced to take the battle to the villages and mountainsides of the Eastern front. Maneuver and coordinate with your teams if you wish to survive and succeed. Gameplay is smooth and tough, weapon damages are realistic and you’ll pay for even the smallest mistake. A good rifle will level most foes from a distance and you can be just as deadly with a pistol if you’re close or accurate enough. Both Verdun and Tannenberg are methodical FPS games and they require patience and strategic thought, it won’t do to just run headlong into the fray like so many others.
#4 Battlefield 1

Developer: DICE
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release: 20th of October 2016
Battlefields are always in complete chaos and they’re often filled with a mixture of confusion and dread. Battlefield 1 deserves praise for simulating that environment alongside a wide range of historic weaponry. Each of which possesses its obvious rudimentary limitations. In addition, it’s likely that at some point complete mayhem will ensue if enemies have vehicles. Work with your teammates to bring down these behemoths. The game offers a variety of game modes and several different maps. The golden goose, however, is the ability to turn a battle in the final moments with the right tactics or vehicle. If you’re a bit of a history buff then you’ll enjoy reading the notes on each battle before you begin.
#3 Isonzo

Developer: M2H, Blackmill Games
Publisher: M2H
Release: September 13, 2022 (Upcoming)
Charge along the iconic peaks of the Italian front in Isonzo. Isonzo will feature a bevy of new features and several new character customization options from uniforms to facial hair and headgear. This series is incredibly accurate when depicting the battles of WW1. Isonzo is one of the first games to focus on the war along the Italian front. In the same vein, Isonzo features a new offensive mode – in which players lead the assault in iconic battles. There’s also a host of new weapons, maps and environments. All ensuring that game will feel fresh. As always with this series, strategy is of pivotal importance – ensure that you plan your attack carefully!
#2 11-11 Memories Retold

Developer: Aardman Animations, Digixart
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe
Release: 9th of November 2018
An often misplaced element in many warfare games is the accurate portrayal of the horror and devastation resulting from each battle, not to mention the long-lasting trauma affecting those who fight. A key element in both 11-11 Memories Retold and Valiant hearts is the complete distaste all of the protagonists possess for the bloodshed surrounding them. It’s a breath of fresh air to step away from the high kill counts and fast-paced gameplay, to a game that places an emphasis on sneaking and surviving. Just as with Valiant Hearts, 11-11 Memories Retold features a beautiful artistic style reminiscent of an oil painting and it could be said that each of these games are also visual novels that tell a poignant and sincere story.
#1 Toy Soldiers

Developer: Signal Studios
Publisher: Accelerate Games
Release: 28th of April 2012
The economy of warfare is something that can’t be quantified. The cost of troops, defenses and weapons changes constantly and drastically. It all depends largely on the effectiveness of the strategic mastermind in command. However, that’s not to devalue the effects that individual men may play in battle. Toy Soldiers is a trench-based Tower defense style game. I say style because the game goes beyond the typical missteps of the genre. Players have the option to personally take up arms and drive back the waves of soldiers assaulting their base. Toy Soldiers features detailed environments, AI troop movements and as a result, it can be fairly challenging. It’s important to be aware of the costs of battle, so spend your money wisely. Toy Soldiers also features story elements which further enrich the overall experience of the game. It’s a lot of fun and top of this list for a reason!
That’s the summation of the best WW1 battles to be had on the Xbox One. The Great War beckons, are you tough and valiant enough to make all the difference?