Prepare to open up the world of Little Witch In The Woods, because we’re about to destroy the giant prickly vines stopping you from entering the village. The village is one of the major hubs of the game, and you won’t be able to repair the rest of your workshop tools until you’ve reached the village.
In this section of the game, you’ll learn more about advanced crafting — we’re only barely scratching the surface but cooking up craftable items is a lot more complex when you’re a witch. It isn’t enough to just toss the right ingredients in a cauldron. You also need to stir in the right direction or cook at the correct heat. And that’s just the start.
To destroy the prickly vines, we need to craft an item called Lunar’s Oil. Learn how to do that with this series of main story quests.
More Little Witch In The Woods guides:
First Weed Termination Potion | Repairing The Extractor | How To Use & Repair The Broom | Unreadable Memo & Tears of the Moon Guide | How To Find The Prickly Vine | Building Roy’s House | Repairing The Fountain | Free Witch Chalk Locations | How To Find All Crafting Materials | Upgrading Inventory & Storage | How To Earn Gold & Luna Coins | All Ritoring’s Gift Locations
“A Way To Get Rid of the Giant Prickly Vines” Main Quest

Once you destroy the first set of garden weeds, you’ll be free to explore and accomplish tasks in the Green Forest. To destroy the giant prickly vines on the path to the village, we’ll need to repair the Extractor.
To repair the Extractor tool, complete the main quest by talking to Aurea near the village entrance. Craft a [Curse-Lifting Candy] and give it to her to recieve the [Glass Bottle]. Now we can freely craft more [Weed Termination Potions]. To fully explore the Green Forest, you’ll need to craft more [Weed Termination Potion]. Let’s do that now, step-by-step.
- Weed Termination Potion Crafting:
- Collect two Squishychub Fur and two Witchflowers. Witchflowers are standard green plants found throughout the Green Forest. The little white animals are Squishychub.
- To collect, switch to your [Hands] tool. You’ll pick flowers and hug animals to gain their ingredients. Get two of each.
- Use both in the extractor to collect [Witchflower Extract] and [Squishychub Fur Extract]. Now use the cauldron at default settings (Heat 4, No Stir) to craft the potion.
The [Weed Termination Potion] can clear more weeds blocking your path. Go back to the mountain path in the upper-left of the Green Forest Plains. Reach the Green Forest Plateau, then travel up until you find weeds on the left side. Destroy the weeds with the potion and pull the nucleus to permanently clear the path. This leads to the Green Forest Waterfall.
In the Green Forest Waterfall area, cross the bridge and travel down to the lower path. Talk to Rubrum, the fox that’s caught’ in a spiderweb. To get him off, you need a [Maple Herbs].
“A Fox Among Spiderwebs” Main Quest

To free Rubrum, go back to Green Forest Plateau and climb the vine walls. There are ingredients called [Maple Herbs] on the cliffs. Collect some! If your inventory is full, return to the Witch House and store your extra items in the workshop containers. [Maple Herbs] are small brown herbs that grow on cliffs. The yellow ones are fruits. Ignore those for now and just grab the herbs. You only need one.
Talk to Rubrum to free him, then walk back to the Witch’s House. Halfway there, you’ll just carry him. Return to your house to complete this quest. We’re on our way to get rid of the prickly vine — but first, we need to heal Rubrum.
- To heal Rubrum, we need to craft [Healing Candy]. If you don’t have the recipe unlocked, open your inventory and [Use] the recipe.
- This recipe requires [Witchflower Extract] and [Maple Herb Extract].
- Collect 2 Witchflower and 2 Maple Herb — witchflowers are green flowers all over Green Forst Plains, and the herbs grow on cliff walls in Green Forest Plateau. Use the items in the Extractor.
- Cook at Heat: 4 and Stir: Right.
Give the [Healing Candy] to Rubrum to heal him. Now we’re back on track — return to the Green Forest Waterfall and go down to where the spider-web was. In the bush near the locked gate, you’ll find a [Boom Potion] on the bush. Collect it and Ellie will automatically use it at the giant prickly vine. Too bad it barely does anything at all! We need something stronger.
“The Truth Behind the Giant Prickly Vines” Main Quest
After throwing the [Boom Potion], collect the vine fragment that broke off. You’ll gain a new keyword. Talk to Aurea and select the “Large Prickly Vine Splinter” keyword. Talking to her reveals that the giant prickly vines are killed by Moonlight. To that, we need to craft [Lunar’s Oil]. Return to the Witch’s House and use the bookshelf to the right of the elevator.
“Remove the Giant Prickly Vines” Main Quest

To get ingredients for the [Lunar’s Oil], we first need to get rid of the Blue Moon Butterflies on the mountain summit. To do that, we need the [Sunlight Potion].
- Crafting Sunlight Potion:
- Collect 2 Witchflower, 2 Maple Herb and 2 Squishychub Fur. We’ve collected all three for previous quests. As a refresher, Witchflowers are green flowers, Maple Herbs are brown/red herbs on the cliffs, and Squishychub Fur is from the little white critters in the plains.
- Use all three on the Extractor to gain Witchflower Extract, Maple Herb Extract, and Squishychub Extract.
- Cook at Heat: 5, Stir: Right.
If you can’t find enough ingredients, sleep past 8PM to refresh the area with new materials. Cool up the Sunlight Potion, and you’ll get the option to travel to the tree immediately. You’ll use the potion automatically, allowing the huge tree to bloom at night. Collect two [Moonflowers] and let’s craft.
- Crafting Lunar’s Oil:
- Collect two [Moonflower] from the summit tree. Back at the workshop, use the Extractor to collect [Moonflower Water].
- At the workshop, Ellie will automatically acquire a [Phoenix Feather].
- Set Heat: 1, Stir: No.
Back at the vine, Ellie will throw the potion and finally clear the path to the village. We’re one major step ahead on our journey! The village is available to explore. I recommend stopping to save at the Witch’s House first.