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- #32 Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
- #31 Humanity
- #30 Psychonauts 2
- #29Cuphead
- #28 Trials Rising
- #27 Spyro Reignited Trilogy
- #26 Little Nightmares
- #25 Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
- #24 Trials Fusion
- #23 A Hat in Time
- #22 Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
- #21 Unravel
- #20 Tearaway Unfolded
- #19 Super Time Force Ultra
- #18 Mega Man 11
- #17 Trine 2: The Complete Story
- #16 Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘n’ Tasty
- #15 Ratchet & Clank
- #14 Rogue Legacy
- #13 Guacamelee
- #12 Sonic Mania
- #11 Axiom Verge
- #10 Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time
- #9 Hollow Knight
- #8 Astro Bot Rescue Mission
- #7 Fez
- #6 Spelunky
- #5 Shovel Knight
- #4 Rayman Legends
- #3 Inside
- #2 Celeste
- #1 It Takes Two
- Unravel Two
- Tembo the Badass Elephant
- N++
- Yooka-Laylee
- Grow Home
- Skylanders Swap Force
- Olija
- Death’s Door

Love the platformer genre and own the PlayStation 4? Then you’re in luck as we have some of the very best platformers available on the console listed below. While this list is in no particular order, we would like to know what platformer you think is worth playing on the PS4. Let us know by leaving a comment down below.
#32 Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Platform: PC PS5 XSX|S Switch PS4 Xbox One
Release Date: January 18, 2024
Epic | PlayStation | Xbox | Nintendo
Platforming games are eternal for a simple reason: they work. You can do all sorts of things with them while also maintaining the “core concepts” that made them so great in the early days of gaming. With The Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, you’re going to get the feeling that Ubisoft wanted to go back to its roots and highlight the fun of jumping around from spot to spot while fighting enemies on the fly.
That’s what you’ll do with Sargon as you attempt to platform your way through a cursed world to save the prince who was kidnapped. You’ll wield time powers and special abilities to help you get through each area, so stay sharp and don’t miss a jump!
#31 Humanity

Platform: PC, PS4, PS5
Release Date: May 16, 2023
Have you ever thought being a dog leading humanity to its salvation would be fun? If so, you have some very unique thoughts. But that also means you’ll get a kick out of the platforming game called Humanity.
The irony here is that you’re not controlling humanity in the game. You’re instead controlling a dog that is trying to lead them through tough puzzles and platforming levels to get them to where they need to be.
You might think leading people around would be easy, but you’d be wrong. You must be careful where you lead them, or else bad things will happen.
#30 Psychonauts 2

- Developer: Double Fine
- Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, X/S
- Release: August 25, 2021
This is a game that was a LONG time coming, and it was worth the wait. Psychonauts 2 comes from the mind of Tim Schafer, and it builds upon the iconic first game and delivers even more fun for you.
You’ll play once again as ‘Raz’ who has been able to join the Psychonauts! But, when their leader is “altered” after a kidnapping, and you find out that there’s a mole in the organization, you must use your psychic powers in order to stop the evil that’s coming, save the organization, and prove your skills once again!
You’ll get to dive into people’s minds, as well as customize your psychic abilities in order to overcome all the obstacles in your way! In this case, it really is mind over matter!

- Developer: Studio MDHR
- Publisher: Studio MDHR
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS
- Release: September 29, 2017
Cuphead deserves to be on this list for a simple reason: it’s that darn good. And the “origin story” of how its team put everything they had into this title to ensure that it was the best it could be (and the made bank) shows how dedication and belief is what you need to make indie games.
In Cuphead, you play as… Cuphead, who has made a deal with the devil (never a good idea) and must now go and defeat a set of bosses across a plethora of wacky settings to settle the score. The game is anything but easy, even when you’re doing co-op. But the fun of it all, and the joy when you win, makes it worth it.
And with the DLC that it has? You’ll have even more fun as you watch this visually stunning (in a 2D way) game unfold.
#28 Trials Rising

- Developer: RedLynx, Ubisoft Kyiv
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS
- Release: February 26, 2019
Ok, we admit, this may not be the standard definition of a “platform game”, but we’re sure there are platforms you can race off of in this title! Does that count?
Regardless, Trials Rising is an over-the-top racing game that lets you get your adrenaline rush while traveling the world. No, really, part of the fun of the game is that you’ll get to go to locales all over the world. China, Paris, the US, and everywhere in between!
Of course, this is a racing game, and there’s plenty of that here. Including you being able to race on small tracks or on major world courses with your friends and adversaries. Then, you can make your OWN tracks and put your friends to the test!
There’s so much to do here, you’ll have a blast no matter how you play it.
#27 Spyro Reignited Trilogy

- Developer: Toys for Bob
- Publisher: Activision
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS
- Release: November 13, 2018
Once upon a time, when the original PlayStation was still making its way, two platforming icons made their debuts and took the world by storm. And now, you can play a remastering of one of them via the Spyro Reignited Trilogy! Yes, we know Crash got the same treatment, but he’s not on this list, ok?
All three of the original games, Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! and Spyro: Year of the Dragon are here, and they are brought back in beautiful HD and refined mechanics so that you can relive Spyro’s adventures in the best ways.
So go and fly, breathe fire, team up with your brother Sparx, and relive the adventure of the chosen dragon once again!
#26 Little Nightmares

- Developer: Tarsier Studios
- Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS
- Release: April 28, 2017
In Little Nightmares players will be taking on the role of a young girl named Six who had been kidnapped from her home and forced to work at a place known as The Maw, an underwater resort.
The resort caters to the powerful elite, forcing Six to serve their needs. One day, Six is presented with a way back to freedom, though during her journey out of the unpredictable world of The Maw, Six catches the glimpse of the corruption of modern happiness. However, in order to make it home she’ll also need to carefully maneuver around the large world and avoid certain death if caught.
#25 Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

- Developer: WayForward Technologies
- Publisher: WayForward Technologies
- Platforms: PC, PS4, PSV, Wii U, XBO, NS
- Release: December 20, 2016
The Shantae games have been around since 2002 and with the help of Kickstarter, a new additional to the franchise emerged out into the marketplace in 2018. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is another platformer installment to the series, but this time developed for the console platform market. A new wave of crime has found its way crashing into Sequin Land and its up to Shantae to rid the evil away.
Gamers will find that the overall Shantae character will retain the trademark moves such as whipping enemies with her hair to defeat opponents or even transform into other creatures with magical attacks. It’s worth noting that the game also features DLC so if you end up going through the main campaign, you can jump into a new series of levels along with bosses to defeat.
#24 Trials Fusion

- Developer: Redlynx, Ubisoft
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Platforms: PC, PS4, X360, XBO
- Release: April 15, 2014
The fifth game within the Trials franchise and the follow-up to Trials Evolution comes Trials Fusion. If you’ve never played a Trials game, the title is more of a platform racer. Players control a biker that makes his way through various courses and obstacles though because of the physics within the game, getting through courses is easier said than done. Regardless of its difficulty, Trials Fusion remains to be an amazing platformer. Since its release, Ubisoft has provided six DLC packs along with free content downloads.
#23 A Hat in Time

- Developer: Gears for Breakfast
- Publisher: Gears for Breakfast, Humble Bundle
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: December 5, 2017
Developers Gears for Breakfast released a platformer that resembles some of the more beloved platform titles released for the Nintendo 64. A Hat in Time, will play out similarly to Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie, as there is a heavy emphasis on collecting missing pieces scattered through the game world.
In the overall story, players will take on the role of a young girl named Hat Kid. Hat Kid has the ability to interstellar travel, though during her way home she is intercepted by a Mafia group under control of the evil Mustache Girl.
Stranded, Hat Kid must collect her missing “time pieces” that have been scattered throughout the world before she is able to refuel her ship, but she will be racing against the clock as Mustache Girl and her goons are collecting them as well.
#22 Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

- Developer: Vicarious Visions
- Publisher: Activision
- Platforms: PS4, PC, NS, XBO
- Release: June 30, 2017
You’re likely fully aware of the video game franchise Crash Bandicoot, which got its start on the original Sony PlayStation. Now, decades later, the video game franchise has received a proper remastered collection. Crash Bandicoot Remastered Collection will includes Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, and lastly, Crash Bandicoot: Warped. It’s not only an iconic platformer but with the enhancements made, it’s a collection well worth playing today.
#21 Unravel

- Developer: Coldwood Interactive
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: February 9, 2016
Unravel comes from developers Coldwood Interactive which tells a story of a small yarn figured. Players are tasked with going out to locate memories, but being of yarn, to progress, our protagonist must unravel its yarn to reach new areas.
This is largely a puzzle game as much as it is a platformer. As our yarn figure loses more yarn to reach a new area, gamers must figure out a means to claim more yarn or use what’s available effectively.
#20 Tearaway Unfolded

- Developer: Media Molecule, Tarsier Studios
- Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
- Platforms: PS4
- Release: September 8, 2015
Tearaway Unfolded is the retelling of the video game Tearaway on the PlayStation Vita. If you haven’t played the PS Vita title, Tearaway is based around a messenger with a mission to deliver messages but in order to do so, the messenger will have to traverse through obstacle filled areas.
This entire world is constructed by paper leaving some of the environment interactive, for instance on the PS Vita, players were able to use the rear touch panel to give an effect of pushing their fingers through the world in order to progress through certain areas. Now players are able to enjoy an expanded version of the game on the PlayStation 4.
#19 Super Time Force Ultra

- Developer: Capybara Games
- Publisher: Capybara Games
- Platforms: X360, XBO, PC, PS4, PSV
- Release: September 1, 2015
The pixel-art style in Super Time Force Ultra may put some players off the game, but we think it looks great: the environments all have their own distinct character, weapon effects pop, and the characters themselves all bring a lot of pizzazz to the game. It’s got everything you could want from an ‘80s Saturday morning cartoon, too – dinosaurs on skateboards, explosions, and space ships.
One of the neatest thing about the game, though, is the team-based rewind mechanic. You’ve only got a short time to make it through each level, and in order to make it through all the enemies and obstacles, you use the “time out” feature to rewind time and insert other characters (or duplicates, even) into the action. What winds up happening is a mind-bending co-op session with yourself.
This mechanic sets up all kinds of crazy action-based puzzles, including the boss fights. While they seem impossible to complete in the time limit at first, as you add more and more characters to the fight, you’ll eventually take them down in a couple seconds. Satisfyingly, too, once you’ve completed a level you get to watch the action replayed in real time.
#18 Mega Man 11

- Developer: Capcom
- Publisher: Capcom
- Platforms: PC, PS4, NS, XBO
- Release: October 2, 2018
The Mega Man franchise received a brand new installment. There is certainly a strong following with the franchise and we know that this eleventh installment, Mega Man 11 will once again feature Mega Man as he embarks on a quest to defeat Dr. Wily.
Within the game, Dr. Wily will have his eight Robot Masters ready to stop players as they progress through the game. However, it looks like Mega Man will have a few new tricks such as the ability to manipulate time along with delivering a more powerful attack.
Outside of the new features being added in for Mega Man, players will also find that there are a few game modes included in the title such as Time Trials and Missions. Likewise, you can find yourself battling it out with your friends or other players on the Global Leaderboard.
#17 Trine 2: The Complete Story

- Developer: Frozenbyte
- Publisher: Frozenbyte
- Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, X360, Wii U
- Release: December 7, 2011
Trine 2, the sequel to Trine, takes place years after the events of the first game. Players will be joining Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight, and Zoya the Thief in a brand new journey as the follow the pleas from Trine. Gameplay is similar to the original Trine so if you enjoyed the game we suggest picking up Trine 2: The Complete Story which also includes the Goblin Menace expansion.
#16 Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘n’ Tasty

- Developer: Just Add Water
- Publisher: Oddworld Inhabitants
- Platforms: PC, Android, PS4, PS3, PSV, Wii U, XBO, iOS
- Release: July 22, 2014
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is actually the remake of the popular platformer Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. Players take control of Abe Oddysee, a Mudokon and prisoner of the RuptureFarms, a meat-processing plant within Oddworld. Abe learns that RuptureFarms will turn their Mudokon prisoners into one of their tasty meat products. Now with this new information at hand, Abe decides to break free, rescue his fellow prisoners and claim their homeland once again.
#15 Ratchet & Clank

- Developer: Insomniac Games
- Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
- Platforms: PS4
- Release: April 12, 2016
Ratchet & Clank is a classic platformer that many of us remember playing when we were younger. The franchise has fallen a bit on hard times though it’s likely this new re-imagining of the very first title within the series will spark interest back up for the franchise once again. The game is set to release early 2016 whereas the film based on the video game will be releasing on April 29, 2016. We’re thrilled to see Ratchet & Clank is receiving a proper reboot especially knowing that the game is in good hands with some of the developers from the first title working on this re-imagining for the PlayStation 4 release.
#14 Rogue Legacy

- Developer: Cellar Door Games
- Publisher: Cellar Door Games
- Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, PSV, XBO
- Release: July 29, 2014
Rogue Legacy is a unique platformer that lets players explore randomly generated dungeons where they will meet up and battle against various bosses. What makes this game a bit unique is that each time a player dies they receive a new character. Each character, however, comes with its own genetic peculiarities which could mean color-blindness, making the game display in only black and white or their character could have ADHD which will allow the player move faster.
#13 Guacamelee

- Developer: DrinkBox Studios
- Publisher: DrinkBox Studios
- Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, PSV, Wii U, X360, XBO
- Release: April 9, 2013
Guacamelee is a platformer beat ‘em up that picks up in a Mexican village. Our main protagonist, Juan Agucate, is a farmer that is in love with El Presidente’s daughter. One day an evil charro skeleton named Carlos Calaca attacks the village and kidnaps the our hero’s love. During the process, Juan is killed where he awakes in the land of the dead. Thanks to a luchador named Tostada, Juan receives a special mask that transforms him into a powerful luchador and brings him back to the land of the living so that he may stop Carlos and rescue El Presidente’s daughter.
#12 Sonic Mania

- Developer: PagodaWest Games, Headcannon
- Publisher: Sega
- Platforms: NS, PS4, XBO, PC
- Release: August 15, 2017
Sonic the Hedgehog is a staple video game character. Decades have passed and to this day, there are still new Sonic games being pumped out. While some of the more recent releases haven’t fetched the same fame and glory for Sega as the initial releases, there is one title that is really becoming hyped up.
Sonic Mania is an side-scrolling platformer that fans of the original Sonic the Hedgehog titles are eager to get their hands on. This particular Sonic title will return to the original gameplay and visual art styles. However, gamers can expect new boss fights, expanded levels along with new elements new to the franchise.
#11 Axiom Verge

- Developer: Thomas Happ Games
- Publisher: Thomas Happ Games
- Platforms: PS4, PC, PSV, Wii U, XBO, NS
- Release: March 31, 2015
Axiom Verge is an indie video game which was inspired by classic titles like Metroid, Contra, and Bionic Commando. The story of Axiom Verge is based around a scientist that awakes from a lab accident and discovers that he is stranded on an alien world. Now the scientist must explore the terrain, gather power-ups, face alien creatures, and ultimately make his way back home. If you enjoyed classic NES and SNES titles then you’ll want to check out Axiom Verge.
#10 Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time

- Developer: Toys For Bob
- Publisher: Activision
- Platforms: PS4, XBO
- Release: October 2, 2020
Crash Bandicoot was an iconic IP for the Sony PlayStation console in the 1990s. The game received three mainline installments before being used for spin-off titles and mobile ports. However, in 2020 we finally got the next thrilling installment with Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. Likewise, this game is set a few years after the events of Crash Bandicoot: Warped which came out back in 1998.
Without spoiling too much, Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time follows Neo Cortext and Nefarious Tropy as they managed to escape imprisonment from the end of time and space. Meanwhile, their escape also allowed all sorts of heinous enemies to also flee which leaves Crash to once again and save the day. This is still a platformer but you can expect Crash to sport a few new abilities through the use of some new supernatural masks you’ll be able to uncover throughout the game. Furthermore, the levels are far bigger this time around and you can expect the game to throw players into other characters like Neo Cortex for certain levels.
#9 Hollow Knight

- Developer: Team Cherry
- Publisher: Team Cherry
- Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, XBO
- Release: September 25, 2018
In Hollow Knight, players take the role of a knight who braves the depths of an old abandoned kingdom which is told to hold treasures along with answers to ancient mysteries. This is a Metroidvania type platformer where players will be exploring the in-game world in search of items and power-ups. There ’s a lot to like about Hollow Knight as it leaves you endlessly wandering to the point where you will have to keep track of areas yourself early on. The game has become a hit and best of all, we have a sequel, Hollow Knight: Silksong, currently in development.
#8 Astro Bot Rescue Mission

- Developer: SIE Japan Studio
- Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
- Platforms: PSVR
- Release: October 2, 2018
Originally started out as part of a tech demo for the camera attachment for the PlayStation 4, the robots that flood your virtual room in The Playroom received its own standalone title. Known as Astro Bot Rescue Mission, players who own the virtual reality headset for the PlayStation 4 will definitely want to include this title in your collection. Within the game, players will be aiding the rescue of over 200 bots.
While most VR video game titles focus on a first-person view perspective, Astro Bot retains the standard third-person platforming, similar to Super Mario 64. Players not only take control of a robot protagonist named Astro but using the VR headset you’ll be able to interact with the world by dodging enemy attacks or using headbutts to knock down walls.
#7 Fez

- Developer: Polytron Corporation
- Publisher: Trapdoor
- Platforms: X360, PC, PS3, PS4, PSV, Android, iOS
- Release: March 25, 2014
There’s a good chance you know about Fez. Fez is a puzzle-platformer that follows the character, Gomez. One day Gomez receives a fez and with it his whole world has changed before his eyes. No longer was the world flat in 2d but instead there was a new dimension that could allow Gomez to reach new areas.
Gomez is tasked with collecting cubes in order to restore the universe balance. In order to obtain these cubes, players will have to rotate Gomez’s entire world to reach new locations. Ever since Fez came out into the marker back in 2012, fans new and old can’t get enough of the game. A sequel to the game was once even announced before Phil Fish canceled the project and vocally left the game industry.
#6 Spelunky

- Developer: Mossmouth LLC
- Publisher: Mossmouth LLC
- Platforms: PC, X360, PS3, PS4, PSV,
- Release: October 7, 2014
Originally released as freeware for Windows, Spelunky has since released on a number of different platforms including the PlayStation 4. Players control a spelunker that is in search of treasure within a series of different caves. While underground, players will also be susceptible to enemies, traps and, of course, the damsels in need of rescuing. Spelunky can be entertaining and unique as levels are randomly generated with four distinct areas that increase in difficulty.
#5 Shovel Knight

- Developer: Yacht Club Games
- Publisher: Yacht Club Games
- Platforms: PC, 3DS, NS, PS3, PS4, PS V, Wii U, XBO
- Release: June 26, 2014
Shovel Knight is a 2D sidescroller that resembles the old school days of 8bit video games. The story of Shovel Knight is based around two characters, Shovel Knight and Shield Knight. During one of their journeys, Shield Knight is captured and locked inside the Tower of Fate. Heartbroken, Shovel Knight goes into exile until he hears the Tower of Fate is unsealed thanks to the evil Enchantress who wishes to spread her evil reign across the land.
Hearing the news, Shovel Knight returns to the land in hopes to rescue Shield Knight with his trusty weapon, a shovel. We highly recommend Shovel Knight and there are enough awards and nominations for the game that should sway players into at least trying the game out.
#4 Rayman Legends

- Developer: Ubisoft
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Platforms: PC, NS, PS3, PS4, PSV, Wii U, X360, XBO
- Release: February 18, 2014
Rayman is back with his friends when in a brand new story. This time around Rayman finds a mystical painting that can transport him into a new mythical world. Up to four cooperative players are able to join in and help Rayman get back home the only way they know how, by running, jumping and slapping their way through each mythical world.
Rayman Legends is an ideal game if you want to enjoy a platformer with a group of friends and of course it helps if you’re a fan of the Rayman franchise, you’ll want to note that there are several Rayman Origin levels was also added in with improved visuals.
#3 Inside

- Developer: Playdead
- Publisher: Playdead
- Platforms: XBO, PC, PS4, NS, iOS
- Release: August 23, 2016
Developed by Playdead, creators of the 2010 video game Limbo, players will receive the same feel of tone with Inside. In the game, players take on the role of a young boy who is forced to go through a harsh and dangerous dystopia.
Much of the same gameplay mechanics are brought over to Inside from Limbo. With that said, gamers can also expect a dark and gloomy artistic view.
#2 Celeste

- Developer: Matt Makes Games
- Publisher: Matt Makes Games
- Platforms: PC, PS4, NS, XBO
- Release: January 25, 2018
What originally started out as a prototype from Game Jam, Celeste later released under indie development team Matt Makes Games. The video game follows a young girl named Madeline who is attempting to climb a giant mountain known as Celeste Mountain. This is no ordinary mountain as urban legends claim that those who manage to climb up the mountain and reach the top will put to rest any inner turmoil.
This is a fast-paced platformer where Madeline can not only jump and climb up the mountain but also perform mid-air dash movements that will shoot her across the area. Of course, the levels themselves are loaded with other mechanics to help the player reach new heights such as springs to fling players upwards though you’ll still need to be careful to avoid any threats such as deadly spikes. If players die during a course, the game will reset Madeline to the starting section of the level.
#1 It Takes Two

- Developer: Hazelight Studios
- Publisher: EA
- Platforms: PC, PS4, NS, XBO, X/S, PS5
- Release: March 26, 2021
Now here’s a game that you likely know all about because of how much people have been praising it. It Takes Two is a beautifully made co-op platforming and puzzle game that took the world (and award shows) by storm with its creativity, uniqueness of story, and how you MUST work together with your partner to survive and advance.
In the game, you play as a couple of parents about to divorce. But…before you can do that, your child’s tears transform you into a couple of her dolls. Oops. Now, you must work together through a very unique story in order to regain your human forms!
Can you overcome the puzzles and obstacles preventing you from doing this? Team-up and find out!
Bonus Games
Unravel Two

- Developer: Coldwood Interactive
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: June 9, 2018
Unravel Two came as a surprise video game release during Electronic Arts 2018 E3 press conference. It was during the conference that the game was shown off and revealed to be not only a single player video game experience but also a title that features a multiplayer local co-op option as well.
Within the game, players will still take control of yarn creatures that must make their way across a series of difficult levels. With a limited amount of yarn attached to their bodies restricting their movement, the game mixes puzzle elements with platforming. Additionally, if players join together and play through the title as a cooperative gameplay experience then you may find puzzles will still be challenging and fun for both players.
One of the biggest surprises that came out of the E3 press conference reveal was that Unravel Two would be released later that evening. As such you can pick up a copy today for not only the PlayStation 4 but the Xbox One and PC platforms as well.
Tembo the Badass Elephant

- Developer: Game Freak
- Publisher: Sega
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO
- Release: July 21, 2015
Tembo the Badass Elephant is pretty self-explanatory. Players take control of an elephant named Tembo, who really is badass. Within the game, Tembo must stop an evil army known as Phantom from taking over his hometown, Shell City. Luckily Tembo has the capability of being able to smash, ram, punch, stomp and spray water in order to rid the city from the invading enemies.
Another interesting point to make mention on Tembo the Badass Elephant is the development team, Game Freak. If the name sounds familiar to you then it’s likely because you’ve seen it displayed on practically every Pokemon game.

- Developer: Metanet Software
- Publisher: Metanet Software
- Platforms: PS4, PC, XBO, NS
- Release: July 28, 2015
Not much can be said about N++ other than the gameplay is incredibly addicting. This is the sequel to N+ where players take the role of a ninja figure. Players are tasked with a mission to collect gold coins, avoid detection from machines while making their way to an exit point. Not only is N++ fun but offers plenty of levels within the game to keep players entertained endlessly.

- Developer: Playtonic Games
- Publisher: Team17
- Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, NS
- Release: April 11, 2017
Development team Playtonic Games contains several former key staff members from studio Rare. As such, the team has opted to make a spiritual successor to one of their previous successful titles, Banjo-Kazooie.
Much like Banjo-Kazooie, there will be plenty of items to collect during your platform adventure. Furthermore, similar to Banjo-Kazooie, there will be two main characters who must stop the evil Dr. Quak from stealing all the world literature and selling it for profit.
Grow Home

- Developer: Ubisoft
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Platforms: PC, PS4
- Release: February 4, 2015
Grow Home comes from the development studio Ubisoft Reflections and was originally developed for an internal release between staff. The only problem is that the game was too much fun and developers decided to go ahead and make the game full release on Windows and PlayStation 4. Players control B.U.D., a robot that is tasked with growing plants to oxygenate the planet. Within Grow Home’s open world, players traverse and plant “Star Shoots” which are giant beanstalks to reach various platforms in order to harvest more seeds.
Skylanders Swap Force

- Developer: Vicarious Visions
- Publisher: Activision
- Platforms: 3DS, PS3, Wii, X360
- Release: November 15, 2013
Skylanders Swap Force is the third main installment in the Skylanders franchise. During an annual eruption ceremony of the volcano that fuels Skylands’ magic, an evil villain tries to destroy it. Fortunately, a team of Skylanders known as the Swap Force was there to protect it but was blown away by the eruption during their attempt. Now the Sky Force team becomes stranded on Earth and learn that the eruption gave them the ability to mix and match powers. Now the group must make way back and stop the foes that have now taken over the Cloudbreak Islands.

- Developer: Skeleton Crew Studio
- Publisher: Devolver Digital
- Platforms: PC, XBO, PS4, NS
- Release: January 28, 2021
Olija is a game for those who want more than just a platforming adventure. Because you play as Faraday, a man who was shipwrecked in a mysterious land and wields a legendary harpoon. You and your crew must try and escape the lands you find yourself in, and along the way, meet a mysterious woman named Olija who is somehow bound to you.
The story and platforming are intrinsically tied in this game, and you’ll need to do more than jump around to explore this land, find and rescue fellow crew members, and unlock the mysteries that are all around you.
So if you “more to do” in your platformer titles, Olija is for you.
Death’s Door

- Developer: Acid Nerve
- Publisher: Devolver Digital
- Platforms: PC, XBO, X/S, NS, PS4, PS5
- Release: July 20, 2021
In Death’s Door, you play as a reaper known as a Crow, who goes and reaps the souls of the lost. But…then one of your souls gets stolen by a mysterious thief (because of course it does!), and now you must get it back.
Now, you must go through a bleak world full of monsters and utilize all sorts of weapons and skills in order to get the soul back and figure out what’s going on.
Part dark tale, action-adventure game, with some on-point humor, Death’s Door might just be the game you want to “shake things up” from your usual gaming types.