Chapter 3 of Trek to Yomi sees the game’s protagonist, Hiroki, return to his village in flames with the scarred face of a man he long thought dead standing atop its ashes. Kagerou, the man that killed Hiroki’s sensei has returned to the village and the pair have a confrontation at the foot of the village’s dojo at the end of the chapter. You are expected to lose here, resulting in Hiroki’s death and his journey (or trek) to Yomi, the land of the dead. This is where most of the game takes place and the title’s namesake, but it is possible to actually hit the credits of the game without ever visiting Yomi. That is because the fight against Kagerou is not impossible and defeating him here will unlock a secret ending as well as an achievement. This guide will give players tips on how to beat the Chapter 3 boss in Trek to Yomi.
How To Beat The Chapter 3 Boss In Trek To Yomi
Before even reaching this fight, you are going to want to get the Place Swap Parry skill during Chapter 3 to make the fight much easier. It is not necessary for defeating the boss, in fact, you can really just perfect parry the boss every single attack until he is dead if you are brave enough, but one missed input can ruin the entire run, that’s what happened to me on my first attempt. The best way to deal with this boss is to be patient and be mindful of your stamina and the Place Swap Parry can give you the space needed to keep that stamina high, and this will help with that. You are going to find the defensive skill at the location where you get a horse to kick a cart to clear a path to progress further in the chapter. Instead of going to where the cart went, however, go to the area the horse was facing and you will find another screen that will have the skill sitting on some rubble for you to pick up.
The Shogun version of the Kagerou fight isn’t too difficult once you know what you’re doing, but one slip up can have you dead before you even know what happened. Kagerou has a large health bar and has two very distinct combos that go on for about 5-7 strikes. Each of his attacks will also do massive damage to the player, so any part of this combo that hits will immediately kill the player.

The best chance you have of beating this boss is to keep an eye out for these combo strings and block them accordingly, but I suggest you do not try and follow up after blocking. When he finishes his flurry, he will back off for a brief moment, so make sure to regain your stamina before he comes back in to attack. While you defend against these combos, you are going to want to be watching for when Kagerou goes for a heavy overhead move since it is very easy to parry. When you stagger him, use the two hit heavy attack combo you got in Chapter 2 to get the most damage out of the parry. This is the game plan going forward. Protect yourself from everything that isn’t the overhead attack and then parry the overhead attack. When you notice your stamina getting low, create some distance between you and Kagerou. If you have pushed him into the corner, simply back up to make some space but if you are closer to the corner or the middle of the screen, this is where you can Place Swap Parry to get behind Kagerou and get away from him to regain stamina. Continue this process until he is dead and you will get the secret ending and unlock the “Early End” achievement.
While this sounds easy, a single mistake will see you having to completely restart the game since you only get one shot at this fight. If Kagerou is able to kill you, the game progresses to Chapter 4 and since the game doesn’t have a chapter select feature, you can’t just go back to Chapter 3 to try again. The only way you will be able to do the fight again is by really paying attention to your health bar and when it gets low, pause the game and load your latest checkpoint or you can create a copy of your save file just before the fight and load that save to try again. With all that said, good luck!
More Trek to Yomi Guides:
Trek to Yomi: All Chapter 1 Health and Stamina Upgrades | Trek to Yomi: All Artifacts in Chapter 1 | Lore Collectibles Guide | Trek to Yomi: Full Achievement and Trophy List | Trek to Yomi: How to Get All 4 Endings | All Endings Explained | Trek to Yomi: All Artifacts in Chapter 2 | Lore Collectibles Guide | Trek to Yomi: All Chapter 2 Health and Stamina Upgrades | Trek to Yomi: How Long Does It Take to Beat?