There’s more story than you think in Rogue Legacy 2. In this rogue-lite action-adventure, you and an endless lineage of descendants must battle through randomly generated side-scrolling levels to defeat evil at the heart of the kingdom. From your manor, you’ll earn coins to purchase permanent upgrades for your future selves. To reach the end, you’ll have to cycle through many, many descendants. Getting the regular ending is hard. Getting the true ending takes real dedication. If you’re ready to break through all barriers and take on NG+, here’s how to get the true ending.
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Step #1: Unlock the Mysterious Key
Complete your run 8~ times and talk to Jonah at the Garden of Eden. Complete 8~ runs (after the full release) and talk to Jonah each time. Read all the memories before fighting Jonah and use the mysterious key in the Tutorial to access the secret room with more lore. Read everything!
Step #2: Defeat All 8 Prime Bosses In A Single Run
Here’s the tricky part. You need to start a NG+ run and defeat all 8 prime bosses. Prime bosses are special enhanced versions of bosses that only appear in New Game+. You can drop down the difficulty to NG+0 to make this task easier — any edge you can give yourself against these upgraded bosses will be helpful.
To really crush bosses, use a high HP hero (Barbarian) and load up on status effects. Poison, burn, and more status effects rapidly drain boss health. Even if you aren’t good at fighting bosses, you can out-damage them for an easier win. To make the game even easier, enable “House Rules” in the options. That makes the game much easier.
Follow these steps, and the path to the final ending will unlock. It isn’t easy, but at least you don’t have to fight the super-powerful ultra bosses in the scars. Defeating Jonah / Cain eight times, then defeating all the prime bosses in a single run is all you need to know.