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The Death Star is destroyed, but the Empire isn’t beaten. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga continues as we rejoin Luke, Han Solo, Leia and all the other Star Wars heroes in Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. The first levels of Empire take place on the frozen wastes of Hoth, with Han Solo searching for a lost Luke across the vast snow fields.
After that, the Empire strikes, sending gargantuan walking machines to destroy the Rebel Base. There’s a lot to explore in these levels, and the first level totally changes things up, letting you tackle objectives in whatever order you want. We’ll be seeing even more levels just like that in the future. For now, let’s escape the evil Empire together with the first missions of Empire Strikes Back.
More Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides:
A New Hope Walkthrough Part 1 | A New Hope Walkthrough Part 2 | Empire Strikes Back Walkthrough Part 2 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 1 | Return of the Jedi Walkthrough Part 2 | A New Hope All Minikits | Empire Strikes Back All Minikits | Return of the Jedi All Minikits | A New hope All Level Challenges | Empire Strikes Back All Level Challenges | Return of the Jedi All Level Challenges | Free Character & Vehicle Extra Codes | How To Unlock Studs x2 Early | Upgrades To Get Early
Level 1: Hoth and Cold

The story begins with C-3P0 and R2-D2 exploring Echo Base on Hoth. Han Solo has been searching for Luke. He hasn’t returned yet, and the Empire is closing in. Follow the markers to the control center to get started.
The First Signal Tower: In this level, Han needs to activate three Signal Towers to find Luke. The level is surprisingly vast, so open the map to help navigate. We’re going to the center-north objective marker first. This is an old speeder site. Flip the switch, then ride the speeder as it slowly turns. Shoot the bridge once you pass by to knock it down. Now we can reach the signal tower across.
On the bridge, use Han Solo’s sharpshooter ability on the strut beneath the raised bridge to auto-aim and blast it down.
- Level Challenge: Not a Probe-lem – Shoot 1 probe droid out of the air without them spotting you first.
-Easy. Just shoot a probe droid down before they spot you. Stay out of their red zone to avoid an alert! - Level Challenge: Avoid the Droid! – Shoot 5 probe droids out of the air without them spotting you first.

Minikit: To unlock an early (and tricky) minikit, you need to blast 5 Snowmen.
- Snowman #1: Next to the north signal tower.
- Snowman #2: At the closed gate entrance to the eastern outpost where the signal tower is located.
- Snowman #3: Right next to the east signal tower.
- Snowman #4: At the base of the hill with the turret you need to blast the ice, at the south signal tower.
- Snowman #5: Next to the south signal tower. Can’t miss him.

Crossing the bridge, you’ll reach the signal tower. We’ll need to climb to the top! Push the LEGO crate so you can jump to the orange handholds, then jump onto the spinning poles to reach the very top. Take your time and wait for “Jump” prompts to appear. That way you won’t miss.
At the top, use the terminal and move the signal beam to face the sky. The speed of the beep will show you where to place it. The faster the beep, the closer you are. Think of it like hot and cold. When the signal beeps faster, you’re warmer. Slide down the zipline, and we’ll now approach the eastern signal tower.

The Second Signal Tower: Ride your Tauntaun east until you reach an old outpost. Use the switch by the huge gate to open the path forward — to reach the tower, we need to close the massive blast doors. Go inside after opening them, then move the LEGO crate to the hill. Place it at the slope down and it will slide, blocking the gate. Now we can close it but keep it open enough to slip through.
With the gate closed (and obstructed by the LEGO crate) go back up the stairs and jump the gap to reach the second tower. As you reach the tower, an annoying Probe Droid arrives to steal the power battery. On the snow, look for hopping bricks and construct the Magnet — only the Magnet will work. The droid is immune to lasers! Once your magnet is constructed, you can plug the battery back in and climb to the top of the tower. Align it just like before.

The Third Signal Tower: Travel south and cross the ice bridge to the signal tower area. To reach it, you’ll need to commandeer a turret to blast the ice covering the frozen bridge. Once you enter the area, go right and cross another ice bridge to reach the top of a rocky spire — blast all the ice, reach the top of the third tower, align the laser and you’ll finally find Luke’s location.
Travel to the green market to save Luke from the angry Wampa monster. That completes the level and leads to our next big confrontation. The Empire is attacking Echo Base!
Level 2: Assault On Echo Base

Back in Echo Base, you’ll need to prepare Luke’s Snowspeeder. Use the Astromech Terminal behind his speeder, then smash all the glowing LEGO objects so you can build up the wing. Use the force to move the complete wing onto the speeder, and the level marker will appear!
The Empire is assaulting Echo Base! Your first goal is to destroy the four AT-ST Walkers. They’re the big guys stomping around the rebel battle lines. Regular blasters are enough to destroy these guys.
- Minikit #1: To earn this minikit, destroy six mini-tanks in the first section of the level, when you’re protecting the rebel trenches right outside Echo Base. Destroy the first three, then three more will appear.
- Minikit #2: In the trenches area, when facing toward the Empire (opposite Echo Base) look on the far right side for a snowy mound. Blast it to reveal a hidden Minikit.
- Minikit #3: Close to Echo Base, there’s a rocky archway on the right. Fly under it to find this kit.

After defeating the first four AT-STs, you’ll need to destroy six. Clear them all out and you’ll move down the line toward a larger arena with a huge four-legged AT-AT. To defeat them, lock on and fly through the circles to wrap your wires around the legs, forcing them to tumble over. You’ve figured out their weakness! After toppling one, you’ll need to topple three more.
- Minikit #4: In the AT-AT section of the map, look on the right side for another low rock archway.
- Minikit #5: Right at the entrance to the AT-AT battle area, before you reach the rebel trenches, there’s a LEGO snow mound that’s glowing. Shoot it to reveal this hidden kit.
Level 3: Never Tell Me The Odds

On the way out of Echo Base, you’ll have to blast your way past groups of Snowtroopers. Don’t spend too much time exploring! The base is in chaos, and you’ll be better off exploring in Galactic Freeplay. Once you reach the hangar, the level will begin.
We’re getting a second vehicle mission! In space, you’ll have to outmaneuver a pair of Star Destroyers. Blast 10 Tie Fighters, then another Star Destroyer will appear — before you can escape, you’ll have to disable the battleship by blasting the tracking dish and the turrets. You have to use Proton Torpedoes. You can get more Proto Torpedoes from the Tie Bombers — Tie Bombers are easy to spot from far away. Just look for the purple trails they leave behind as they fly around.

Lock-on and blast 10 of the high-lighted Star Destroyer parts and you’ll escape into the Asteroid Field. Nothing to do here but fly forward and try your best to avoid all the giant floating rocks.
- Minikit #1: To earn a minikit, shoot all the floating LEGO minikits in the Asteroid Field. One is located next to each of the LEGO asteroids floating around. Just look for the glowing LEGO floating right next to the huge LEGO asteroids.
- Minikit #2: One if floating at the edge of the first Asteroid Field section, right before transitioning to the asteroid surface. If you miss it, you’ll have to restart the level.
- Minikit #3: Flying on the asteroid surface, look for a floating minikit on the left side of the first canyon.
After a quick flyby through the asteroid surface canyon, you’ll complete the level! That’s a short pair of fun levels, but we’ve finally — mostly — escaped the Empire. Next, we’ll rejoin Luke on his quest to the Dagobah system. Time to meet Adult Yoda!