LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is something of a collectible lover’s dream with the endless number of studs to pick up, the Minikits hidden throughout each level, and the over 300 characters available to be unlocked. What’s more, each level within the game features challenges for the player to complete that reward them with valuable Kyber Bricks.
When starting up LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga for the first time, players will be given the choice as to which trilogy they want to start playing. While there are arguments for picking each starting spot, many fans will be starting chronologically with Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.
At the end of the episode, players will encounter the final fight with Darth Maul in the level “Better Call Maul.” The level has three challenges in it which are all relatively straightforward if the player knows what to look for. Below is a guide on how to complete each one.
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Better Call Maul Challenge Guide

Forced Out
This challenge is pretty simple and can be easily done after the first lightsaber fight section with Darth Maul at the start of the level. All it asks of the player is to push five droids off the ledge and into the abyss below using the Force. Droids are littered all over the level, so when you find some, get in close to them without deflecting any of their lasers for risk of taking them out with their own attacks. Once they’re in range, they’ll glow the same as any other object that’s able to be moved with the Force. Pick them up and drop them off the ledge. Do this to five different droids and the challenge will be completed.
Odds Stacked In Your Favor
As the fight goes on and begins to move to the area past the giant generator rooms, Maul will break the floor open revealing hazardous electrical wiring below. The second time he does so, the main path has the player jump across a ledge to take an elevator over the hazard. Instead of doing that, use the Force on the crates that appear to the right of the electrical wiring to make a safe path. Simply place one on the hazard, jump on it, then jump across to face Maul once more.
Complete Maul-ing
This challenge requires the player beat Maul in under 10-minutes. This isn’t particularly challenging so long as the player knows where to go to start each section of the fight and doesn’t spend too much time exploring. Simply follow the critical path and use the box skip from the previous challenge to reach him quickly and take him out.