Take a ride around the skyscrapers with this magical Dying Light 2 Easter egg. With the power of strange mushrooms, you can summon a broomstick and go riding around like a Harry Potter character. The “Baba Yaga” Parkour Challenge is waiting for you — but you’ll have to finish one of the biggest missions in Dying Light 2 first. If you’ve made it to the Central map and climbed the 80-story VNC Tower, this Easter egg is just waiting to be unleashed. And this one is a lot of fun. Not only are there rings to fly through, there are magical landmasses to navigate. Just don’t crash land! It’s a long drop on this magic carpet ride.
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How To Unlock The “Baba Yaga” Parkour Challenge | Flying Broomstick Easter Egg
During the “Broadcast” mission, you’ll climb the giant TV tower. Part of the way up, you’ll have to activate a yellow crane. Make note of this location, because there’s a very cool witch Easter egg you can unlock later.
Where To Find The Broomstick Easter Egg: The Easter egg is located at the VNC Tower in Central. After finishing the Broadcast mission and unlocking the Safe Zone on the roof, return to the crane on the shorter tower, right next to the VNC Tower and climb to the very top. Climbing the crane is a little tricky — the easiest way for us was just jumping and grappling up each yellow beam until we reached the top. Reach the platform and check near the big grey block. You’ll find strange mushrooms.
- Activate the strange mushrooms and more will spawn. Keep using the mushrooms, making them spawn more and more, until a Parkour Challenge unlocks.
- You really have to hold down the button a long time eventually. Don’t give up! The meter will continue to move… just very slowly.
The Parkour Challenge is called the “Baba Yaga” — the fairy tale witch from Slavic folklore. The famous witch gets a lot of modern play in the John Wick series, but she’s a straight-up broomstick riding witch. Begin the Parkour Challenge, and you’ll be riding a broomstick in the sky! All around a skyscraper.
While you’re 50 stories in the sky, you’ll be flying through rings as sickening speed. This is a lot like the Hoverboard Parkour Challenge — just a lot easier to complete and to find. Enjoy the ride, and go for the Gold in the Old Crone Olympics.