Battlefield 2042 is giving us back what we want — weird, completely nonsensical strategies. In a game as huge and complex as Battlefield 2042, there are certain tricks DICE might not have considered during development… or they absolutely considered, and they’re just waiting for us to unless completely insane schemes.
By combining your Operator powers in ingenious ways, you can pull some very strange maneuvers. Using a specific operator that wields a wingsuit, you can launch yourself just by finding a mild incline. You can ride airplanes to safety — or jump out mid-dog fight, whip out a rocket launcher, and blast your opponent. That’s the kind of cowboy nonsense we want to see in our futuristic battlefields.
Battlefield 2042 goes back to Battlefield roots and focuses completely on massive multiplayer arenas. There are new modes to explore like Hazard Zone, but this battlefield is all about multiplayer — there’s no singleplayer to be found, unless you count easy-to-use bot matches… which is a very welcome inclusion.
8 Weird Tricks To Impress Your Friends & Confuse Your Enemies
- Use Casper and launch an OV-P Recon Drone, then place C5 on the drone. Now you can fly the drone to tanks and detonate the C5 to destroy them from a safe hiding spot. That’s a nasty trick tanks absolutely won’t see coming.
- If you need to ride an elevator to the top of a skyscraper, bring Irish and use his Fortification System. Drop the cover shield and hide behind it — it can be deployed even on a moving elevator.
- Irish’s Fortification System has another fun use; unsticking vehicles. If a vehicle is stuck in the environment, pop your shield under the vehicle in a wedge to get it right out. Works almost every time.

- On maps with skyscrapers (or any very tall building) travel to the rooftop and call-in an EBAA Wildcat. The AA guns are the best — you can use them to shred helicopters, or blast adjacent buildings, ripping enemies soldiers to shreds with the Canister Weapon Pod.
- In a dogfight with an enemy helicopter? Here’s a trick you’ll want to use — or watch out for. When circling a skyscraper, you (or your enemy) might retreat around the corner until they break line-of-sight. While you’re still spinning around looking for the helicopter, the enemy may just fly right over the top. Its a devious trick that’s caught many a chopper pilot unaware.
- To level up guns and vehicles, play against bots. You can only get so far (you’re capped) but you can unlock all the early upgrades before facing off against ruthless real-life opponents very easily. Just don’t try to use it to Rank or gain Ribbons.
- And avoid the Portal XP Farming Servers — they’re almost all designed to troll players. And DICE is cracking down!
- Boris might seem like an assault class, but he’s actually a killer sniper. Place his turret at a good sightline into a conflict area, then move to a concealed location with your sniper rifle — the turret will automatically sight enemies, giving you easy marks. The turret is a good distraction too!

- Using the LCAA Hovercraft, you can drive on more than just water. This thing, hilarious, can also drive straight up the sides of certain buildings. Yes, really. This will be fixed, but until then — try driving up the buildings with slopes of desert sand on the sides in Hourglass.
- In Hazard Zone, you don’t even have to fight other players to earn the most credits. When choosing your loadout, select the Negotiated Bounty Tactical, which gives you +50% credits on kills against occupying forces. That means AI opponents. This is a great way to build up your credit count early. Focus on killing AI and avoid fighting other players or collecting data drives. Its an easy way to get lots of credits extremely easily.
More Little Tips & Tricks
- Your cross-hair denotes what your firing mode is. 4 solid lines is automatic. 3 solid lines is semi-auto. 4 broken lines is burst.
- Hold ‘Start’ in-game to bring up a detailed scorecard for your player and your teammates.
Got any other weird tricks to try in Battlefield 2042? Don’t say “put the auto-turret on a vehicle” — we tried that, and it doesn’t work.