Deltarune doesn’t have a Genocide Route — the first game in the series, Undertale immediately gives you a choice to defeat or spare enemies as you play. By sparing enemies, you’ll follow the normal storyline. But, if you choose to use your weapon and kill, something different happens. The story changes and everything becomes much, much darker. That doesn’t really happen in the semi-sequel Deltarune. Or it didn’t until Chapter 2.
In Chapter 2, players can initiate something (unofficially) known as the Snowgrave Route. Found in the Cyber World, you can use new player character Noelle to completely change the order of events in this chapter, significantly altering the story, and adding a creepy edge to everything your team does. We all knew main character Kris might have a few problems. Now you can experience the dark side of Deltarune. Here’s how to initiate the evil route and keep it going until the end.
More Deltarune guides:
Chapter 1: How To Find Secret Boss Jevil | Chapter 2: How To Find Secret Boss Spamton NEO | Chapter 2: How To Beat Every Boss
How To Unlock The Snowgrave Route | Evil Route Guide
The Snowgrave Route is a hidden evil alternate path through Chapter 2. A strange noise that goes down pitch will sound when you initiate the Snowgrave Route. You must follow certain steps exactly to fully unlock the route — if you don’t use Noelle’s IceShock ability on every enemy you encounter, the route will fail and you’ll go back to the normal route. If you Spare enemies or make them run away with melee attacks, this route will permanently fail.
Complete these steps and the route will unlock permanently for the rest of the chapter. If you complete these steps, you will be locked in and can’t go back to the normal route.
- The route begins when Noelle joins the party with Kris. From this point going forward, you must use Defend with Kris and freeze enemies using Noelle’s IceShock magic. You must defeat every enemy between Spamton in the Junkyard and the second Mouse Control Puzzle using this magic.
- Easy-To-Miss Enemy #1: After getting off the Rollercoaster, make sure to go left to find more enemies and freeze them. If you miss these enemies, you will fail the SnowGrave Route.
- Easy-To-Miss Enemy #2: Before encountering the shoe shopkeeper, don’t miss the enemy disguised as a prop in the garbage alley.
- Continue toward the Ferris Wheel Poster and encounter the shopkeeper. Answer with “We’re Something Else” — if you’ve defeated all enemies so far, you’ll get a choice related to a ring. Select “Get it.” multiple times until the dialogue is complete. Just keep answering with this.
- If the prompt doesn’t appear, you need to backtrack and freeze any enemies you might’ve missed.
- Proceed to the Forcefield Puzzle after completing the ring step. From this point on, whenever you get a choice, choose “Proceed” — always select “Proceed” for every choice.
- At this point, you’ll enter the traffic jam roads. Find the Annoying Dog Dumpster — if you’re following the Snowgrave Route, the dumpster will instead tell you how many enemies are left to freeze. Freeze all the enemies before the second Berdly Boss, then return to the dumpster.
- After freezing all enemies, return to the dumpster and purchase the Thorn Ring.
- Equip the Thorn Ring on Noelle.
- We’re ready for the final step. Initiate the second Berdly Boss fight and use Noelle’s new SnowGrave spell. She can only cast this spell if the Thorn Ring is equipped. After using the spell, you’re now locked into the Snowgrave Route. There’s no turning back!
There are many, many differences after this point. The music slows down, the dialogue becomes stranger, and all the funny moments are totally removed. Some sections are reorganized, and there’s an entirely different final boss encounter — the Queen’s Mansion is now ruled by Spamton, with portraits of Spamton covering the walls — and Spamton NEO is the final boss. You’ll have to fight Spamton NEO as Kris solo, making this the hardest encounter in the game so far. Want to be a bigshot? Go for this supremely creepy twist on the standard game.