We’ve dawned on the final hour of Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach. From 5:00 to 6:00, we have one major task to complete — taking out Roxy and stealing her weird glowing eyes. All you have to do is survive until 6AM to escape the Mega Pizzaplex, but that’s especially difficult this time around. To defeat Roxy, we’ll have to explore the West Arcade. That’s DJ Music Man’s realm, and he’s one of the most terrifying foes in the entire game. This huge robotic arachnid walks on walls, throwing arcade machines to block your escape. He’s a massive threat and making it through his arcade is one of the most difficult tasks in the entire game.
That makes taking out Roxy seem like a breeze. Our goal is to repair the busted go-kart robot head so we can ride on the tracks. It’s all part of an automotive plan to eviscerate Roxy. Each of the big automatons has an upgrade we can install on Freddy Fazbear, but we can only select two out of three before the timer reaches 6AM. Roxy’s upgrade is required for finding some of the biggest secrets in the game, so let’s get her enhancements first.
More Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach guides:
How To Get All Endings | How To Get The True Ending | Super Secret Easter Egg Room | How To Solve The Mazercise Puzzle | Hoodie Upgrade Location | How To Beat Monty, Roxy & Chica Bosses | All Fizzy Faz Stamina Upgrades | All Freddy & Flashlight Upgrades | Walkthrough | Free Freddy & Get Out | Walkthrough | No Re-Entry & Escape The Daycare | Walkthrough | Prize Counter & Find Freddy | Walkthrough | Lost And Found, Rehearsal Space & Backstage | Walkthrough | Showtime, Parts And Service & Warehouse | Walkthrough | Fazer Blast, Dumpster Diving & Chica’s Beak | Walkthrough | Vanny [Final]
Walkthrough | 5:00 to 6:00

Mission: Roxy’s Weakness
For our next objective, we’re going to Roxy’s Raceway on the west side of the Atrium. Enter through the construction area and go through the left door, leading to a long hallway. One gate is Monty Gate, and one is a Chica Gate. Ride Freddy to go through whichever one applies to you — we’ve got the Chica Voicebox, so go up the ramp on the left.
Right as you enter the main (gigantic) room of Roxy Raceway, don’t miss the Save Station next to the door. From the entrance, go left and down the stairs near the left-wall, then stick to the wall until you reach a construction area in the back-left corner of the room. There’s a large blocked gate leading to the Sinkhole. To the right, you’ll find a Memo with a clue on how to defeat Roxy.

Behind the memo, down the path of crates, a bot will jumpscare you! It also drops its head. Grab the Damaged Head — next, we need to repair the Damaged Head. We have two objectives now.
- Repair The Damaged Head: You can repair the Damaged Head in the West Arcade.
- Get The Dance Pass: The West Arcade is locked. To get the Dance Pass, search the garages in Roxy’s Raceway.
To make exploration easier here, go to the center garage on the first floor of the raceway. There’s a Freddy Recharge Station here that makes exploration so much easier.

Dance Pass Location: Go to the bottom level of Roxy’s Raceway. Face toward the entrance to find the garages — go to the far-left (southeast) party garage. There’s an abandoned party inside, with a present containing this pass.
Mission: Repair Robot Head

Go to the Security Room in the West Arcade — the entrance is on the third floor. Take the elevator up and use the Save Station right at the start.
To find the Security Office, go to the second floor and reach the red door on the north side, near the interior hallway. There are no stalkers here for now, unless you get caught by the Security Bots. Its empty for now.
From the entrance, go up the stairs to your left until you reach the top floor. Then go towards the Karaoke Rooms and follow them north to the red security door. The Head Repair Station is located in the Security Office.

- NOTE: When you reach the Security Office door, sprint to the Save Station and use it! The power will go out soon, so you’ll want to save before it does.
How To Restore Power: Get too close to the Head Repair Station, and the power will go out. To restore power, we need to go to the Dance Floor and hit the first power breaker. The DJ Booth with the first breaker is back on the ground floor near the entrance to this area.

Stalkers: Chica & Monty – Chica patrols the upper floors near the Karaoke rooms, while Monty patrols the main arcade ground floor area. Chica can be stunned with the laser, but it doesn’t work on Monty. Monty is much slower, so he’s easier to escape just by running away. Monty’s gimmick is that he can jump to catch you, but if you run and hide he will lose you.
The DJ Booth is located to the north (ground floor) from the entrance elevator. You’ll find DJ Music Man sleeping in the DJ Booth — activating the first breaker will make DJ Music Man spring to life!

Stalker: DJ Music Man – In addition to the other two stalkers, DJ Music Man will chase you down! He sticks to the walls and floors, and DJ Music Man can’t get you while you’re hiding. He can’t get you in the bathrooms. Remember that you can stun Chica with the laser, and you can safely run away from Monty without him catching you.
After activating the breaker, you’ll need to find three more breakers and activate them to fully restore power — all while Monty, Chica, and DJ Music Man are hunting you.
- Breaker #1: In the backroom of the west bathroom, first floor of the arcade. It’s down the hallway.
- Breaker #2: In the main arcade area where Monty patrols. Find the breaker on the northeast wall.
- Breaker #3: The final breaker is on the upper floor, directly above the second breaker. You can activate the breakers in any order you want.
After the bathroom breaker, DJ Music Man will appear and try to reach into the bathroom. Run out the right door to escape! For the second (Lower Arcade) breaker, flip the switch and immediately hide in the nearby stroller. Finally, climb the stairs and keep the laser gun ready to zap Chica. Sneak to the last breaker and flip the switch. Hide immediately again!
- NOTE: All three breakers appear on security cameras, so you can easily find them and plan your route. Personally, I believe the easiest route is the one described above.

Complete all three breakers, then return to the Security Office. The last breaker is down the hall, in the huge Maintenance Corridor. The corridor is safe — until you flip the breaker. DJ Music Man appears to chase you down! DO NOT RUN OUT OF STAMINA. DO NOT GO IN THE RED. Run back to the Security Office to finally complete this difficult sequence.
Use the Save Station back at the Security Office, then use the Head Repair Station to get your Repaired Head. Now we can finally take out Roxy.
Mission: Stop Roxy
Return to Roxy’s Raceway and go to the construction area to the right as you enter the main racetrack room (east wall) — place the Repaired Head on the kart near the Save Station to initiate Roxy’s takedown. Don’t forget to save!
After placing the head, a cutscene will start showing how Roxy gets totally wrecked. Greg crashes the kart right into Roxy! Once you’re back in control, grab Roxy’s Eyes — and of course, she isn’t defeated yet. Use the Save Station in the underground.

Stalker: Blind Roxy – Once you approach the ruined wooden door, Roxy will strike! She can’t see, but she can acutely hear you. Instead of her normal attacks, she pounces forward blindly. We’ll use this to our advantage.
- For the first door, Roxy smashes through it automatically after pressing the button. Enter the room and crawl through the hole to your left. If Roxy smashes through the wooden door ahead, back up and use it to get around her.
- Next, sprint and enter the next hole to your left, leading to another door that has to be smashed. Stand in front of the door and walk around (not sneaking) to bait Roxy into leaping. When the door is smashed through, run inside.
- In the boiler room, you need to run around in a zig-zag pattern. The hot areas can’t be crossed, so run alongside them and move forward where it is safe. Use the distractions nearby to slow Roxy down.
- At the end of the boiler room, there’s a vent. Open it and crawl in to escape.
Once you’re out of the vent, go upstairs and call in Freddy to safely reach a Save Station. We have Roxy’s Eyes, so we just need to upgrade Freddy!
Mission: Upgrade Freddy

- WARNING: This is the point-of-no-return. You can fully explore the Pizzaplex now and still save the game. If you want to hunt for collectibles, I recommend making a separate save file before completing this mission.
Return to the Parts and Service area through the Main Stage elevator and play another Simon Says minigame. Save before attempting it! When you’re done, we’re ready to escape the Mega Pizzaplex.
Once you select to “Finish Upgrade” from the computer, the escape sequence begins.

Mission: Get Out!
You have a limited time to escape the Pizzaplex. To get away safely while riding Freddy, follow this route.
- From Parts and Service, go through the Roxy door and use the elevator to reach her room in Rockstar Row.
- Exit the room and go left — enter the large shutter door and follow the path to the Atrium.
- Go up the escalator stairs at the back of the Atrium 2F to the elevators and ride them down to the Lobby.
- From the Lobby, go down the stairs to reach the main entrance.
And that’s it! Approach the doors and you’ll get a choice. You can end the game now or stay to unlock more endings. We’re still hungry for alternate endings, so this walkthrough will continue after this point. I’m selecting “Stay” — if you want to escape now, go right ahead and enjoy your neutral ending.