Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach takes you to dark places in the toughest section yet. We’re tackling two creepy, high-intensity areas of the Mega Pizzaplex; acquiring the Fazerblaster weapon and crushing Chica to unlock her Voicebox upgrade. Starting with the Fazerblaster, you need to complete a difficult challenge in a massive laser tag arena — enemy robots will try to shoot you while you capture three flags. While you’re capturing flags, Chica is on the hunt and there’s nothing you can do to stop her. You’ll just have to hunker down and pray to get away.
In the second part of this guide, we’re getting revenge. To challenge Chica, you’ll need to acquire a specific item and place it in a very important location. This begins a domino chain of event that crushes up Chica but drags you down into her disgusting sewer lair. So begins the scariest part of the game so far, as you have to navigate three different areas. One of those areas is an underground excavation with no cameras and no hiding spots. It’s basically a maze, but with a screaming animatronic as your own personal minotaur.
More Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach guides:
How To Get All Endings | How To Get The True Ending | Super Secret Easter Egg Room | How To Solve The Mazercise Puzzle | Hoodie Upgrade Location | How To Beat Monty, Roxy & Chica Bosses | All Fizzy Faz Stamina Upgrades | All Freddy & Flashlight Upgrades | Walkthrough | Free Freddy & Get Out | Walkthrough | No Re-Entry & Escape The Daycare | Walkthrough | Prize Counter & Find Freddy | Walkthrough | Lost And Found, Rehearsal Space & Backstage | Walkthrough | Showtime, Parts And Service & Warehouse | Walkthrough | Repair Robot Head, Stop Roxy & Get Out! | Walkthrough | Vanny [Final]
Walkthrough | 4:00 to 5:00

Mission: Party Pass
After exiting Parts And Service, recharge Freddy and ride him to safely get through Roxy’s room. She’s waiting inside! Quickly walk to Freddy’s room and enter the back door — Vanessa is also patrolling the corridor. Inside Freddy’s room, hop out and use the Recharge Station and Save Station. Climb up the boxes and crawl through the vent.
Again, that annoying vent monster will appear and start chasing you. Rush to the end of the vent and open the vent cover to drop into Chica’s room. Here, you’ll find an important upgrade note and the Party Pass on her desk. After grabbing the party pass, you’ll hit 4AM and trigger Moon’s appearance!
Mission: Moonlight Serenade
Moon is back! Sprint to Freddy Fazbear’s room and jump into the Recharge Station to escape.

Mission: Fazer Blast
To get the good ending, you absolutely must collect the Fazer Blaster — so that means we’re going to Fazer Blast first! It is on the first floor of the Atrium, on the west side. Go inside and give your Party Pass to the Greeter Robot to gain access.
Enter through the main door and follow the path until you reach the changing room packed with helmets. Grab the Fazer Blaster — and you’ll have to fight your way out of the game area. To take the weapon with you, you’ll have to complete a game of Fazer Blast.
How To Beat Fazer Blast: During this game, Security Bots will patrol with their own lasers and they’ll attempt to shoot you. Just aim for the body (you don’t need to hit their eyes) to stun them. The goal is to find and defeat three flag control points.

Fazer Blast Tips
- Once you activate a flag control point, robots will start pouring in to attack. Hide behind the flag itself for cover and zap any incoming robots.
- You also have to worry about the stalker (Chica) — she needs to be far, far away from you! As long as she’s far away, you should be safe from her appearing and attacking you during the defense countdown.
- You can hide the the red waist-high cover spots. Make sure to hide in here to recharge your ammo before activating a flag, or to check Chica’s location.
- You have to defend the flags for 30 seconds after activation. When the timer is up, the any nearby robots will be destroyed. You’ll also heal up after completing a flag. Make sure to save your ammo and watch your shots! If you run out of ammo, you’ll be defenseless against incoming robots. You’ll be okay if you have just a 10~ seconds left — hide and wait until the time limit is up.
- There are three flags: one is in the red area. One is on the ground floor of the green area. And one is up on the purple ramp, on the second floor.
- In the purple area, they seemingly come from all angles. To make this easier, hide behind the wall and watch the flag. When a robot rolls toward the flag to re-capture it, shoot it. Otherwise, just stay hidden.
- The purple area is by far the hardest, so I recommend doing that one first. If you can clear that one, you’ll have a good chance to complete the mini-game.
- You can use the same trick in the red area. Hide behind the back corner and wait for the robots to wander near the flag.
Because Chica is patrolling, always stay sneaking. You can sprint-sneak, but if you make too much noise she’ll come running. You can defend yourself here by using the gun to zap Chica, stunning her and making escape simple. Its still better to avoid her completely.

If you can’t find the flags, use the Camera tab on your Fazwatch. All three flags are shown in different camera views. The trick is just staying alive, not getting hit by enemy lasers too much, and getting all three flags. This is one of the tougher challenges, but if you follow these tips, you should be able to make it out okay.
If you take too much damage, the game will end. You’ll have to leave through the exit and try again. The only way to keep the Fazerblaster is to win.

After capturing all three flags, Chica will leave. Go to the Blaster Return near the elevator and use it to claim your prize — a gold Fazerblaster you can keep! This weapon stuns all animatronics for a short time if you can land a shot.
- Good Ending Optional Objective: To get the Good Ending, we need to perform one more step. In the Superstar Lounge, enter the vent and follow the path all the way to the end. There’s a locked door here — a secret room with “Vanny” written on the wall. This is Vanny’s secret hideout.
When you’re ready, exit the way you came in and return to the Fazer Blast lobby. Use the Save Station, just to besafe.

Mission: Office To Office
To leave the Fazer Blast area, we’ll need to get a new Security Pass. Go to the Fazerblast Office (through the door to the left) and collect two important items.
- Level 6 Security Pass: Inside the tiny Freddy Fazbear head, in the Security Office, you’ll get this security upgrade.
- Bowling Pass: And in the present next to the Flashlight Recharge Station, there’s a Bowling Pass. We’ll need this for our next objective.
Next up, if we’re aiming for the Good Ending, we need to take down Chica.

Mission: Dumpster Diving
After collecting the Bowling Pass in the Fazer Blast Security Office, exit and go to the Bonnie Bowl in the Atrium 3F west side. Give the greeter bot your Bowling Pass and go for the Ice Cream parlor to your left.
- Freddy Upgrade: In the southwest corner of the Atrium 1F, there’s a Save Station near the “Salads & Sides” sign — look at the tables nearby for a present.
Once you’re inside Bonnie Bowl, go to the back room of the Ice Cream parlor to the left of the lanes. Open the present in the back room to gain the Monty Mystery Mix and a memo. Read the memo first. It gives you a big clue on how to proceed.
Stalker: Exoskeletons – After grabbing the key item, exoskeletons will start pouring out of the bowling alley area. Don’t even try to deal with them. Just run straight for the exit elevator. Once you’re in the hallway, you can turn around safely and stop them all if they’re still chasing you.
Now that we have the Monty Mystery Mix, travel to the Loading Dock and reach the Kitchen. We can use Freddy Fazbear here to make these steps much safer. You need to complete three objectives.

- Place the Monty Mystery Mix in the Trash Compactor — in the passage connected to the Kitchen. Place it on the flat metallic surface.
- Go to the Generator in the storage room — it is in the back-left door of the Kitchen, when leaving the Trash Compactor. Use Freddy! Chica will be watching the generator! (Yes, you can press the button while inside Freddy.)
- Press the button facing the Trash Compactor in the kitchen. It’s on a small wire, hanging from one of the metal tables, just near the compactor entrance itself.

Once you press the button, Chica will automatically trigger the cutscene where she’s completely smashed in the Trash Compactor. Unfortunately, Greg gets pulled down into the disgusting Sewers with Chica, leading to a terrifying sequence underground.
- NOTE: Make sure you don’t press the final button while wearing the Freddy suit. Make sure to get out! For whatever reason, Freddy will go nuts and attack you underground.

Mission: Chica’s Beak
Now that you’re stuck underground with ruined Chica, you can grab her Voicebox Upgrade. Make sure to use the Save Station before interacting with her further.
Collect the Voice Box, then leave through the door near the Save Station. Deeper into the Sewers, you’ll find a locked gate with a red button. You need to find a generator to turn on the power to activate this button. Remember this location. After activating the first generator in the large dump, Chica will reappear.

First Generator: Wrecked Chica is even creeper than before. She’ll appear instantly once the generator is turned on. You need to backtrack through the hallway and return to the gate to escape. Immediately hide in a bin and wait for her to look away. When the coast is clear, make a break for the gate! You can also use your blaster to stun her if you’re caught.
After the first game, carefully walk across the wooden boards or you’ll fall to your death. Continue on to the second generator area — there’s a Save Station before each generator. Thank you devs.

Second Generator: The second area is a winding maze of passages. There are no cameras and no hiding places. Chica can appear anywhere. Be ready with your Fazerblaster. As long as you’ve got the blaster, this part is so much easier.
The Green Powerline leads to the Generator. It kind of snakes around, so you can also just stick to the left-hand side of the entire maze. It eventually takes you back to the generator — and just go back the way you came. Stick to the right-hand wall.

Third Generator: Return to the second gate and continue on through until you reach the next Save Station. Just one more generator and you’re home free. The ruined parked garage is packed with hiding spots and Security Bots. You need to reach the ramp and the generator in the center of the second room — it unlocks the final gate just past the generator.
The road leads to an incredibly creepy room packed with robot heads and multi-colored pictures. Is this Chica’s lair? Just keep going up to finally escape this nightmare. The stairs lead back up to the Loading Dock.

Once you’re back, use the Save Station and then make your way to the Main Stage in the Atrium. Use the Main Stage button to go down to the Parts And Service area where we can upgrade Freddy Fazbear with the Chica Voice Box upgrade.
Back in Parts And Service, use the Save Station behind the big cylinder, then use the computer terminal and select “Voicebox Upgrade” — then interact with Freddy inside. Once again, you’ll need to complete the Simon Says puzzle. Like always, this puzzle is completely random. Just follow the steps and you’ll be able to access all sorts of new areas. With the Voicebox, you can unlock Voice-Activated Doors. Those are the doors with yellow boxes.
- NOTE: You can also stun other animatronics with a scream attack! This can only be used while you’re inside Freddy Fazbear, so it isn’t the most useful skill.
After completing the mini-game, use the computer to “Finish Upgrade” — then rush outside the room to the Recharge Station in the hallway to avoid the 4:55 AM Moon attack.
Completing this step takes us to 5AM. Just one more hour before we can finally escape the Mega Pizzaplex.