The ultimate accomplishment in Halo Infinite is unlocking “Headmaster,” the LASO achievement. LASO stands for Legendary All Skulls On and it is the hardest challenge in this game, or probably any other game you’ve played. Skulls make enemies harder than they already are, and they’re incredibly deadly on Legendary. With all the Skulls activated — basically anti-cheat codes you unlock by discovering hidden collectibles — you’ll have no HUD to keep track of what you’re doing. And that’s just one of the painfully challenging cheat effects.
Even worse, Halo Infinite has no cooperative campaign available at launch, so you can’t even drag a friend into the fire to help you out. This is a totally solo endeavor, and Legendary isn’t a difficulty that messes around. Thankfully, there are a few tricks you can use to make Legendary All Skulls On beatable. And it involves unlocking a ridiculously powerful gun right at the start of the game.
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How To Unlock Headmaster | Legendary All Skulls On Guide
To unlock the Headmaster achievement, you need to unlock all 12 Skulls in a playthrough. On a separate playthrough, you need to start a new game on Legendary Difficulty and turn on all skull effects. If you somehow manage to complete the game, you’ll earn the Headmaster achievement.
- NOTE: Due to a bug, make sure to manually LOAD (do not select Continue) after exiting your game. If you just select “Continue”, there is a chance all your skull effects will revert to the off state and immediately stop tracking this achievement.
With all skull effects active, Legendary becomes much more difficult. You have to play solo. There are three major tips you need to know to make it through Legendary much easier.
Important LASO Tips & Tricks
Understand how checkpoints work. Whenever your shields are fully recharge and you’re not currently being shot at, a checkpoint will save. You won’t be able to see it because of the skull effect that removes your HUD, but just listen for your shield recharge noise. Taking cover — just leave a few less-than-dangerous enemies alive, like grunts — and recharging is a great strategy for difficult sections. The game checkpoints constantly if you let it.
- NOTE: Due to the Black Eye skull, your shield won’t recharge until you melee an enemy. Make sure to leave grunts or other less-than-dangerous enemies around. Target the highly-ranked enemies first!
Kill highly ranked enemies first. Enemies with Sniper Rifles, Elites, and Brutes that have been ranked up are by far the most dangerous enemies in the game. Take them out first! You’ll have a weapon that’s insanely powerful — a future tip — so focus on them first.
Marines are OP at your FOBs. Whenever going on missions, exclusively select the open-back vehicle and acquire 5 marines. Marines are still resilient, even on Legendary, so they can draw fire and dispatch enemies. Especially great when you’ve got marines with rocket launchers and sniper rifles.
Upgrade your shields. Simple. Upgrade your shields first. Upgrading your shields is the most important thing — after that, upgrade your sensor. Then upgrade whatever you want in any order. The shock effect for your grapple is useful, too.
Get the Scorpion Gun. In Outpost Tremonius, the third level, you can acquire an insanely powerful Easter egg gun that has unlimited ammo and fires a Scorpion Tank shell. Learn how to acquire it here.
- Make sure you keep this weapon for the entire campaign. You’ll never actually lose it as long as you don’t swap with another weapon and drop it on the ground. You can switch between your primary / secondary as often as you want.
- I recommend switching out of Grappling whenever you’re using your Scorpion Gun. If your grapple accidentally snatches a gun, you’ll lose your Scorpion Gun permanently. If you’re grappling, just swap to a secondary gun to be safe. Once the Scorpion Gun is dropped, it can never be acquired again.
Getting the Scorpion Gun is essential for LASO and makes the rest of the game MUCH EASIER. As long as you keep that gun, every boss is a breeze. This is a 12+ hour campaign, even if you skip most of the open-world activities, so keeping your Scorpion Gun safe and NOT LOSING IT should be your #1 goal. If you can do that, then even the weakest Halo Infinite player can crush the hardest challenge. It just takes a little dedication and patience.